• UABDivulga

Rural development in Catalonia

Eloi Guinjoan develops in his doctoral thesis the study of a comparative analysis of three developmental processes in rural environments of the Catalan territory. Through a broad review of the most relevant academic literature and a critical analysis of concepts, it has identified which are the most...

Desenvolupament Rural a Catalunya

When crocodiles ruled Europe

Researchers from the Catalan Institute of Paleontology Miquel Crusafont (ICP) propose a new hypothesis for the various species of allodapuquid, through a study that thoroughly reviews the morphological variability present in all these species. This study reaffirms the validity of the different species...

Cuando los Cocodrilos Dominaban Europa

3Q: Juan Luis Arsuaga

Professor of Palaeontology at the Complutense University of Madrid, director of the UCM-ISCIII Centre for Human Evolution and Behaviour, and codirector of the Sierra de Atapuerca archaeological sites. Worldwide renowned palaeontologist and excellent science popularizer. He is autor, among other books, of La...