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Expert guide

UAB Experts Guide for journalists

This guide contains a list of researchers from different areas of knowledge who put their expertise at the disposal of the media. If you need help in finding an expert for a specific subject or contacting with one of the members of our lecturing staff, please contact our Communication Unit by phone at (+34) 935868228 or by e-mail.

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Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch

Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch

He manages the LSTE study and research group (Freedom, Security and State Transformations) and the Observatory of Coexistence and Civility Catalonia (UAB). He is the director of the ICPS (Institute of Political and Social Sciences) and member of the SGR Group of Studies and ResearchPolitical, Institutions and Corruption in the Contemporary Age (PICEC). His research areas are global terrorism and organized crime; cybersecurity and the guarantee of fundamental rights; the civility and the coexistence in the local scope; political corruption and its affectation on the structures of the rule of law; and the populist attitudes.


Keywords: fundamental rights, security, freedom, rule of law, civility, populism, state theory; terrorism, organized crime, cybersecurity, political corruption

Department of Political Science and Public Law

Constitutional Law


Contact details Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch

UAB Research Portal Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch


Gustavo Pita

Gustavo Pita Céspedes

He received his degree in Philosophy from the Saint Petersburg State University and is lecturer of Asian and African Studies, with a specialisation in Japan by the College of Mexico and a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies by the UAB. Thanks to grants from the Japan Foundation he has spent two research stays in Japan. His themes of interest are the bushi culture (samurai), Japanese martial arts, Zen Buddhism, Japanese history and thought, and global philosophical thought, as well as Russian thought. He is member of the scientific committee of the publishing series Biblioteca de Estudios Japoneses, CERAO-UAB.


Keywords: bushi culture, samurai, Japanese martial arts, Zen Buddhism, history of thought, Japanase thought, philosophical thought, Russian thought

Department of Translation and Interpreting and East Asian Studies

East Asia Studies


Contact details Gustavo Pita Céspedes

UAB Research Portal Gustavo Pita Céspedes


Núria Planas

Nuria Planas Raig

Expert on language diversity in the mathematics classroom, especifically on the trilingual dynamics of the language of the learner, the language of the teacher and the language of school mathematics. Coordinator of the Research Group of Educational Practice and Mathematical Activity. Her conceptualization of language as resource for a socially responsible mathematics education is well recognized and used in the international research on the domain of school, equity and social justice. She shares her duties at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with an honorary position of research in University of South Africa.


Keywords: mathematics education, student learning, school, equity, social justice, discourse

Department of Teaching of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences

Didactics of mathematics


Contact details Nuria Planas Raig

UAB Research Portal Nuria Planas Raig


Reyes Pla

Reyes Pla Soler

Conservation and transformation of raw materials of animal origin, ensuring its safety and maximum quality for the consumer. Application of conventional and other more innovative technologies. Especially in the field of fish and fishery products, including by-products. Likewise, the field of eggproducts. Knowledge of the functional properties related to these types of foods of animal origin. Packaging and deterioration: safety and consumption. Products SANDACH.


Keywords: food technology, foods from animal origin: fish and fish products, eggs and eggproducts, food safety, technology and processing, quality

Department of Animal and Food Science

Food Technology


Contact details Reyes Pla Soler

UAB Research Portal Reyes Pla Soler


Xavier Pons

Xavier Pons Fernández

PI of the Grumets Geographic Informtion Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) research group and creator of the MiraMon software (1994, +200,000 users in 40 countries). His methodological and applied work in both RS (geometry, radiometry, classification, compression, etc) and GIS (climate models, standards, etc) has been cited more than 6600 times. He has been the director of the Master in RS and GIS since 1996, and has been PI or participant in about 120 competitive projects and contracts. He received, between 1988 and 1992, a BS in Biology, two master degrees (in Botany and Geography) and a PhD.Full Professor of Geography at UAB. He has 2 ICREA Acadèmia research awards (2011-2015 and 2016-2020).


Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, GIS, remote sensing, MiraMon, geometry, radiometry, digital classification, big data, computer programming, image compression, climate models, standards


Caridad Pontes

Caridad Pontes García

MD, PhD by UAB. Medical specialist in Clinical Pharmacology. Manager of Pharmacotherapeutic Harmonization, Servei Català de la Salut. European expert appointed by the AEMPS. Research experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Areas of expertise: Drug development; design, methodology and ethical evaluation of clinical studies; regulation of clinical studies; drug regulation, drug evaluation and therapeutic positioning, pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology, orphan diseases, medical education.


Keywords: clinical pharmacology, drug development, regulation

Department of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology



Contact details Caridad Pontes García

UAB Research Portal Caridad Pontes García


Miquel Porta

Miquel Porta

He is an expert in internal contamination and chemical body burden. He is also an expert in the relationship between cancer, genetics and the environment.


Keywords: internal contamination, chemical body burden, cancer, genetics and the environment

Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Public Health and Preventive Medicine


Contact details Miquel Porta

UAB Research Portal Miquel Porta


Charlotte Poschenrieder

Charlotte Poschenrieder Wiens

Director of the Plant Physiology Research Group. Expert in plant responses to stress derived from problem soils; mainly salinity, pollution and extreme soil pH. Her studies focuse on the mechanisms of resistance, tolerance and adaptation using both physiological and molecular- genetic approaches in model plants, as well as in natural populations and crops. She ha published more than 150 articles in international journals and accumulates more than 6,000 citations. She has large experience in the coordination of reserach projects and in the evaluation of projects and scientific production at the national and intenational level. She has directed more than 20 Doctoral Thesis.


Keywords: plant - soil relationships, plant stress, salinity, heavy metals, micronutrients, aluminium, resistance mechanisms, adaptation, Arabidopsis thaliana, halophytes, metallophytes, crop plants

Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology

Plant physiology


Contact details Charlotte Poschenrieder Wiens

UAB Research Portal Charlotte Poschenrieder Wiens


Lluís Puig i Sanz

Lluís Puig i Sanz

Dermatologist, he is an expert in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, inflammatory dermatosis, dermatopathology, clinical immunology, clinical trials and translational medicine


Keywords: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, inflammatory dermatosis, dermatopathology, clinical immunology, clinical trials and translational medicine


Angel Puyol

Angel Puyol González

Philosopher and expert in bioethics. He is a member of the Catalonia Bioethics Committee, Clinical Ethics Committee in the Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona, and Ethics Committee in the Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona. His main lines of research are applied ethics and theories of justice. He is the coordinator of the Humanistic Studies Group on Science and Technology, which brings together philosophers and doctors, where there are experts in philosophy of science, philosophy of computing, internet and media, philosophy of democracy, philosophy and religion, and community medicine.


Keywords: bioethics, philosophy of science, internet philosophy, philosophy of the media, philosophy of democracy, theories of justice, scientific progress, politics and religion, community medicine


Albert Quintana

Albert Quintana Romero

He is a Ramón y Cajal investigator in the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology and the Institut de Neurociencies. He earned a Bachelor in Science in Biology (Biomedicine) in 2001 and a PhD in Neuroscience in 2007. Albert Quintana is a PhD researcher with ample experience in molecular biology, viral vector generation, transgenic mouse generation, in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetics, and behavioural neuroscience. His research focuses on using a multi-level approach to develop and implement new tools to identify the molecular determinants of neuronal susceptibility to mitochondrial disease and other neurodegenerative pathologies.


Keywords: mitochondrial disease, neurodegeneration, neuroscience, molecular biology, optogenetics, mouse genetics

Department of Cellular Biology, Physiology and Immunology



Contact details Albert Quintana Romero

UAB Research Portal Albert Quintana Romero


Alex Rialp

Alex Rialp Criado

He has published his research works on internationalization of new ventures and SMEs in prestigious international journals such as International Marketing Review, International Business Review, Journal of International Marketing and Journal of World Business, among others. He belongs to the editorial board of International Business Review and Journal of International Entrepreneurship.


Keywords: business internationalization, international entrepreneurship, SMEs, new ventures

Department of Business

Business Organization


Contact details Alex Rialp Criado

UAB Research Portal Alex Rialp Criado