Cultura en Viu

Vocal technical training (1st term)

Vocal technical training 2024-2025 (1st term)

tècnica de veu

This activity provides participants with theoretical and practical knowledge in order to develop, strengthen and take care of their voice. Through the acquisition of some techniques, participants will get a correct use of their voice in different areas.

  • Understand the fundamental principles that control the production of the voice.
  • Understand and be aware of the body through a proper relaxation and a good breathing technique.
  • Achieve a natural and free vocal emission that allows an effortless singing with a proper projection.
  • Acquire a clear and natural diction through a proper use of speech articulation and language expression.
  • Gain a work discipline that allows the discovery and development of the voice through continuous research of the own vocal and relaxing resources as well as assimilating the new techniques.


Information course 2024/25

Teacher: Óliver Carrasco
Dates: 22th Octubre to 28th January 2025 
Timetable: Tuesdays from 12.00 pm to 1.30 pm (plus half an hour of individual tutorials or in smaller groups). 
Price: UAB community 120 €, others 170 €.

Activity with academic recognition (1 ECTS credit).

Online registration from 16th September (limited places and assigned in order of registration)

Information for all inscriptions.