Cultura en Viu

Llibràlegs, de Llàtzer Garcia, Albert Arribas, Jordi Prat i Coll i Pau Miró / Iniciació a la Interpretació Teatral

Imatge Llibràlegs web

Initiation to Theatrical Interpretation will present on May 16th four of the scenes of Llibràlegs, written by four authors of the current Catalan drama scene: Llàtzer Garcia, Albert Arribas, Jordi Prat i Coll and Pau Miró. An interpretation work thinking about emotions linked to words, the exact energy of a gesture or the accuracy of the gaze. "Llibràleg" is an invented word that we could define as a dialogue between two people in the middle of a library. The ideologist of the project, Jordi Prat i Coll, only put two conditions: they could not last more than 12 minutes and the subject, in one way or another, had to be books and words.

First of all, Jericó by Llàtzer Garcia describes the encounter between two characters that collide from the perversion that supposes to condition future readings. Also, El Gra i la Palla by Albert Arribas tells a story where we inquire about human cultural misery and the future consequences of oblivion. On the other hand, Jordi Prat i Coll's Com Arribar a Casa presents a dialogue that confronts two opposing sensibilities and how they contaminated each other. Finally, El Passeig by Pau Miró is an enigmatic piece where nothing is evident, but where everything goes beyond solitude.

Authors: Llàtzer Garcia, Albert Arribas, Jordi Prat i Coll i Pau Miró

Direction: Màrcia Cisteró


Clàudia Borràs
Pol López/ Mario Ejarque

El Gra i la Palla
Mariam Assouilah/ Mar Mañez
Dani Plata

Coma Arribar a Casa
Pau Lobato
Clàudia Borràs

El Passeig
Mario Ejarque
Mar Mañez

Thursday May 16th, at 1 pm and 5 pm
Sala Teatre de la UAB