For admission to higher vocational training cycles, compliance with one of the following requirements is required:
You must have one of these qualifications:
Or have passed:
(a) If you do not yet have your degree, you must present the receipt of your application for an academic and professional degree and payment of the fees stamped by the centre.
(i) If you have not yet completed these studies at the time of pre-registration and therefore do not have the admission documentation, a responsible declaration may be submitted, which has the same effect for admission purposes, and certifies that as soon as you have the degree and certificate these will be presented at the centre.
(b) The pass certificate for exams with the specific subjects of the cycle to which you want to access must be presented. If you still have to take the exams but want to pre-register, you will need to present the registration receipt for the entrance exam. Pre-registration will be subject to proof of passing the exam (you must submit the document).
(*) In these cases of admission, you must also have turned at least nineteen years old, in the year you take the exam or at the start of the course.
(**) You cannot access a higher level vocational training cycle or arts and design cycle with a Sports Technician Degree. (Organic Law 8/2013, of 9 December, on the improvement of educational quality, article 38 amending article 44 of Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on education (LOE).)
Consult the basic information on the requirements, and the documentation that you have to submit. Official recognition of foreign studies
Students in temporary protection or special situations
To study International Trade in English, you must have:
Don't you have an official certificate? If you do not have a certificate for the level required (or equivalent), you will have to take a level test at UAB Idiomes.
If your results for English are below level B2, you will have to improve your knowledge of English to meet the programme's minimum language requirement.
If you don't have the Català required level, you will have to register for it as a second language.
For more information about language preparation courses, please contact info.idiomes@uab.cat.
Admission to higher vocational training cycles (CFGS) is regulated by the Law on Education in art. 41 of Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, which modifies Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education and by article 112 - Access to higher level training cycles of Royal Decree 659/2023, of 18 July, which deals with the organisation of the Vocational Training System (**).