Notice: changes in HVTQ for the 2024-2025 academic year |
We will shortly update this information for each of the HVTQ, once the regulations that include the validations of Royal Decree 659/2023, of July 18, 2023, which develops the organization of the Vocational Training System (document in Spanish) in Chapter VI, Section 1, article 126 "Validations, exemptions, equivalences and homologations" have been published. |
Validation is the procedure used to recognise and give academic value to official studies certified by the competent entity.
To apply for a validation it is an indispensable requirement to be enrolled on the training cycle for which the validation is being sought.
Validations are classified in terms of who resolves them:
Direct validations applied by the centre are of the following types.
1. Validations based on completed or partially completed vocational training
In general, the following vocational training modules and units may be validated:
2. Validations of vocational training modules on the basis of competence units passed.
Students with official confirmation (provided by educational or employment authorities) of any competence unit belonging to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications will receive validation for the corresponding vocational training modules established in the regulation governing each programme.
Students must submit the application for validation, together with the following.
Applications for special validations will be resolved by the Directorate General for Initial Vocational Training and Special Education and will be all those that cannot be resolved by the centre.
The DGFPIERE will make its resolution in approximately ... months.
1. Validations based on completed or partially completed vocational training that are not established in the decrees establishing curricula and validation regulations.
2. Validations based on completed university studies.
Students enrolled on an initial vocational training cycle (LOE) who have obtained at least 30 credits on a university course or 12 ECTS credits can apply for validation of one or more of the following vocational training modules or training units: "UF1. Starting work", in the vocational training module Training and Guidance for Employment, the vocational training module Business and Entrepreneurship, or training units created by the centre with the discretionary hours within advanced vocational training cycles.
The following criteria will be used to perform this validation.
Official university courses that have previously been validated or recognised cannot be validated again for advanced vocational training cycles
Students apply to their centre for special validations and the centre sends the applications to the Directorate General for Initial Vocational Training and Special Education.
Required documents:
If the resolution is favourable, the validations obtained will be recorded in the student's assessment documents.
This validated credits will be marked as VALIDATED and will not be taken into account when calculating the final grade for the training cycle.
Vocational training modules or training units validated for LOE training cycles included in published regulations (anexo III and anexo IV del RD 1085/220, de 9 de diciembre), they are given the score is obtained from the first training cycle in which they were taken and will be taken into account when calculating the final grade for the training cycle.
In the case of passed vocational training modules or training units that have the same name and curriculum, and which are common to several training cycles, the score is obtained from the first training cycle in which they were taken.
Please note: