Detall d'activitat

Divendres, 24 Gener 2020


Innovation in the health sector: novel solutions, materials and technologies

Recerca - Eurecat Cerdanyola. Av. Universitat Autònoma, 23 · Cerdanyola del Vallès


Eurecat, under the framework of Optogenerapy project, organises this event to present the latest advances in materials and technologies for healthcare and medical applications to meet unresolved clinical needs and move forward towards the development of new products and services to improve people’s wellbeing and increase sustainability in current healthcare systems.

During the event, the potential of combining optogenetics with novel functional printing and electronics technologies for the development of medical devices will be illustrated via Optogenerapy project success case. It will also cover the latest innovations in biocompatible plastics, textile solutions and others materials for the health sector and present technologies such as Ultrasonic Moulding for the manufacturing of complex medical devices.

In addition, the event will also include a visit to Eurecat’s Plastronics Pilot Plant, the first of its kind in Europe consisting of two cleanrooms enabling an orderly combination of different manufacturing processes with great potential for the development of medical applications.

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Ubicació: Eurecat Cerdanyola. Av. Universitat Autònoma, 23 · Cerdanyola del Vallès

Data: Divendres 24, Gener de 2020 - 09:00h

Organitzador: Eurecat