Fundació Autònoma Solidària
The Area of Cooperation and Education for Development of the FAS promotes action, training and research in the area of university cooperation with southern countries, promoting critical education and a spirit of change to overcome global inequalities.
Since 2003, this area has been in charge of managing the Solidarity Fund of the UAB. Among other things, the fund finances cooperation projects and initiatives with southern countries and emergency campaigns, in accordance with the Action Protocol for Universities in situations of Humanitarian Crisis.
In its last call for funding the Solidarity Fund was able to carry out training and research activities in Nicaragua, Bolivia, Argentina, Uganda and Nigeria.
In parallel, the Education Project for Development at the University has offered an educational focus for change since 2013-2014, with more university involvement in the generation of citizens who can think critically have an ethical outlook for social justice.
The result of a networking strategy with the Association of Public Catalan Universities, the FAS has helped to introduce an approach to the Objectives for Sustainable Development in areas of university activity at a time when Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is in operation.
European Voluntary Service (EVS)
The FAS is the organisation for sending and receiving volunteers of the European Voluntary Service (EVS), one of the branches of the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, to work in the areas of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020.
This activity gives young people the opportunity to contribute to the day-to-day work of organisations dedicated to areas such as youth policy, civil involvement and personal and socio-educational development of young people, inclusions and assistance for disadvantaged groups, non-formal education, ITC, media literacy, culture and creativity, and cooperation for development, among others.
The role of the FAS as a sending organisation
The FAS is responsible for informing and training students from the UAB, offering them guidance in the selection of a volunteer project and coordinating with the receiving organisations in preparation for their arrival.
The role of the FAS as a receiving organisation
The FAS receives volunteers who collaborate by promoting volunteering and its values, participating actively in the Foundation’s volunteer programmes and offering support to the Disability Service, among others.