Cultural anthropologists find that the Darwinist explanation of sexual behavior have a lot of undesirable ideological slants. Machoism is an example. They are right, but only partly. Ambrosio Loyal Garcia exposes in his thesis how to detect these distorted visions about the adaptationist program. According to its conclusions we have to review...
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The size of birds' brains is key for their survival
The evolution of large brains in vertebrates, such as primates or parrots, poses a paradox for scientists: if the possession of a large brain carries with it great production and maintenance costs, then why have some animals developed such large brains? A classical...
Prognosis of survival of patients affected by melanoma malignant depends on the presence or absence of tumoral cells in sentinel lymph nodes. Scientists of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital have studied the effectiveness of the analysis techniques used s to detect them.
Islands are specially vulnerable spaces to the invasions of exotic plants. UAB researchers have validated this hypothesis in the case of the Oxalis pes-caprae plant species. They have studied its presence in the Balearic Islands. The results show that Oxalis reproduces much more in the islands than in other Spanish continental zones.
The history of radioactivity, traditionally considered a mere antecedent of nuclear physics, in has in recent years been subject to a through a deeply historographical review. This new perspective takes into account the social, cultural and industrial implications of this science and serves as narrative framework in Néstor Herran?s thesis. In this...
Rersearchers of the Organic Solid Residues Composting Group of the UAB Department of Chemical Engineering are studying how to control the temperature in the residues composting process, a biological technique that allows to treat the residues in an economic and sustainable way, and to recycle them. The results of this work show that deduction of...
A UAB researchers group has tried to know new data about Haemophilus parasius, a pig pathogenic bacterium that causes systematic disease. The study has confirmed that H. parasuis genetic variability. It could help to diagnosis. This epidemic causes important economic losses in pork sector.
The "normal pressure" hidrocephalia is a rare illness that we don't know quite well. The most frequent cause is an anomaly in elimination mechanisms of a substance inside of the skull, cephalorraquídeus liquid. Habitually, the processing consists of placing an internal derivation that corrects cephalorraquídeus liquid elimination. Up to now it was...
Liquid crystal screens are a very common display in present devices of consumer electronics. Researchers of the UAB Phisics Department, the Miguel Hernández Elche University and the Alacant University have written an article where they show how to model the reflections produced inside of the LCD screen and what is the effect in the modeling...
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