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The doctoral thesis of Aïda Pujol has studied a variant of preimplantational genetic diagnosis during in vitro fertilization and embryonic development. She analysed the numerical irregularity of the chromosomes in the oocytes using the fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) technique. This allowed her to identify the different mechanisms...

Novetats en el diagnòstic genètic preimplantacional

Catalonia Television (TVC) has created twenty six series of own production between 1994 and 2003. In those TV series is evident a representation of Catalan identity. Enric Castelló, in his doctoral dissertation, has studied this production from its cultural and ideological slope.

Territori i llengua són els principals elements identitaris referencials a les sèries.

Visual illusions, mirages that do not lie

In the figure of the left you will notice that the circles move. Well, what you see is not true. What happens is a visual illusion that is being produced right now in your head. A group of researchers at the Department of Basic, Evolutionary and Educational Psychology is studying our...

Les ilusions visuals podrien ser una protecció necessària.

The new knowledge about genetics together with the sophisticated skills of analysis helps the scientists to understand the carcinogenic process. The present study, made by investigators of the UAB, is an example of this work. By using the bladder carcinoma as a case study, they analyzed his chromosomal alterations and then compared with his...

Darrera la pista del càncer: alteracions cromosòmiques i organització biològica dels tumors

Rome, Ist century B.C. The poet Horace, in his poems 2 from Book I and 15 from book IV, introduces allusions to gods important to Augustus family. The explanation Professor J.Gómez Pallarès offers about this presence takes in account unusual information: Horace's work can also be read as a virtual walk along the temples where the...

Horaci: de poesia lírica a guia

Researchers of the UAB are collaborating in an international project aimed to reconstruct the climatic history of our planet. Their laboratory: Los Andes, at more than 4.000 m altitude; their files: the lake sediments from these high altitudes. The study of past climatic records will help us to predict the possible effects of future climate...

Viatge en el temps per fer front al canvi climàtic

ATLAS: A computer tool for traceabilty studies

Today scientific progress depends to a great extent on computer tools. In genetic studies, for example, a cascade of data is generated, which is only comprehensible after vertiginous calculations on the part of a computer. The Faculty of Veterinary Science is well aware of...

cadena genètica

The bleach, or chlorine, is necessary to disinfect the water but in too high a dose it could poison us. Because of this, it is important that the tools used in the detection of chlorine in water are most reliable. Researchers from the Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica have developed a chip which allows the continuous monitoring of...

Chip sensor

The simple consumption of a product is part of an ecological footprint that we left in the planet. Our habits produce an impact and thanks to this indicator of sustainability we can measure it. A group of investigators of the UAB have created a methodology that allows to calculate the environmental impact of a specific activity: the...

La petjada ecològica dels nostres desplaçaments per Barcelona