

The following discounts are available on presentation of the appropriate documentation to justify then and they are non-accumulative:

  1. 50% of the public price registration fee:
  • Students from the general category of large families.
  • Students from single parent families and the special category.

These must be accredited with the corresponding documentation.

  1. 100% of the public price registration fee:
  • Students in the special category of large families.
  • Students with a registered disability of 33% or more.
  • Students subject to privation of liberty.
  • Victims of acts of terrorism, their spouses and their children.
  • Students who are members of families receiving less income than the minimum wage.
  • Students who are victims of gender violence.

These must be accredited with the corresponding documentation:

  • Students in the special category of large families: Current family concession card.
  • Students with a registered disability of 33% or more: One of the following supporting documents: disability recognition certificate issued or validated by the Catalan Department of Social Rights; resolution or certificate issued by the Spanish National Institute of Social Security (INSS) or by a competent body in the corresponding autonomous community, or any other body established by article 2 of Spanish Royal Decree 1414/2006.
  • Students subject to privation of liberty.
  • Victims of acts of terrorism, their spouses and their children: Administrative resolution.
  • Students who are members of families receiving less income than the minimum wage.
  • Students who are victims of gender violence:One of the following supporting documents: court conviction, protection order or any other judicial resolution that grants a precautionary measure in favour of the victim; report from the Public Prosecutor's Office, report from the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate or a report or certificate certifying that the applicant is being treated as a victim of gender violence, issued by one of the following services: Social Services; Unit for Combatting Domestic and Gender Violence pertaining to the General Directorate of Families in the Department of Social Rights; specialised intervention services (SIE), information and care services for women (SIAD), crime-victim care offices, public reception resources, entity subsidised by a specific Public Administration for the care of female ictims of male-partner violence.