

Grants for non-university post-compulsory education offered by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for students taking post-compulsory courses.

Who is this information intended for?
Students taking non-university post-compulsory courses eduaction who are Spanish or have the nationality of a member state of the European Union, and who have obtained a degree of equal or higher level to the studies for which you are requesting the scholarship.



From March 19 to May 10, 2024, both inclusive.


Even if you do not know what you want to study next year or you have doubts about whether you will study or not, it is necessary that you submit your scholarship application before the deadline.

On the application form, please indicate what you think you will be studying.

If, when the time comes to enroll, your studies are different, nothing will happen. You will have a deadline, in September, to modify this information in the application (by accessing the Ministry's website).


It is not necessary to present any document.

However, if the educational administration considers it necessary, it may ask you to present original documents supporting the information included in your scholarship.


General requirements

  1. Do not hold a degree of equal or higher level to that of the courses for which you are applying for the scholarship.
  2. Be enrolled in one of the courses listed in Article 3 of the Ministry's call for applications.
  3. Be Spanish or have the nationality of a member state of the European Union.
  4. If you or your family are citizens of the European Union, you must reside permanently in Spain or be self-employed in Spain.
  5. If you are not a citizen of the European Union, we will apply the regulations on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration: i.e., you may be entitled to a grant if you are under 18 years of age or if you have obtained a residence permit by December 31 of the year prior to the year of the call for applications.

The following are considered as "family members":

  • the spouse or legal partner,
  • direct dependent ascendants,
  • direct dependent descendants under 25 years of age.

Academic and financial requirements:

See the website of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte: FP, Bachillerato y otros estudios no universitarios.

Apply for a Grant:

Grants specific to the centre

Grants for collaboration with FUAB promotion activities (February to July)

FUAB collaboration grants are for students currently enrolled on the Bachelor's Degree (students who are in their second year).

In return for the grant, these students perform tasks to support various FUABformació activities (Open Days, Saló de l'Ensenyament fair, etc.). These tasks include promotion, logistics and information and customer support.

Successful applicants are chosen by a panel designated and chaired by the Director of Teaching Services of the FUAB, and consisting of the school heads of studies, the head of administration, the degree coordinators and the head of the Jobs Bank and Placements Unit.