Calendars & Timetables
Calendars and timetables
The Centre de Formació Professional de la Fundació UAB provides the classes:
- Trade and Marketing family from Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 2.30 pm.
- Computing and communications family from Monday to Friday, from 15.00 p.m. to 21.00 pm.
First year International Trade (Catalan) Timetable (2023/2024)
First year International Trade 100% in English timetable (23/24)
First year ASIX-CIBERSEGURETAT (Catalan) Timetable
Second year International Trade 100% in English Timetable (2023/2024)
Second year International Trade 100% in English Timetable
* Timetables subject to change
First year
Trade and marketing -Academic calendar 1st year IT catalan/IT english
Computing and communications- Academic calendar 1st year ASIX
Second year
Trade and marketing- Academic calendar 2nd year IT catalan/IT english