Transport and Logistics

The Advanced Vocational Training Course in Transport and Logistics taught at the Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona aims to train future professionals prepared to organise, manage and control the transport operations for goods and travellers at a national and international level, as well as the logistics activities of a company, in accordance with current regulations and within the framework of quality, safety and respect for the environment.

2 in 1: Official certification of professional qualification included in the certificate.

  • English and French accreditation
  • Training in Business Chinese
  • +80% employability
  • Professional work placements
  • Forma't al Port Programme (practical training at the ports of Barcelona and Genua, Italy)
3 x 2: two degrees over 3 academic years

Students who have completed their CFGS in Transport and Logistics can also opt to obtain a qualification as an International Trade Technician by taking just one more year.