International Trade

The aim of the Advanced Vocational Training Course in International Trade at the Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is to train future professionals capable of planning and managing goods in accordance with import and export processes in international companies or national companies who are present or active in the international field.

  • Accreditation of English and French
  • Classes in Business Chinese
  • +80% employability
  • Professional work placements
  • Forma't al Port programme (practical training at the ports of Barcelona and Genua, Italy)

3 x 2: two degrees over 3 academic years

Students who have completed their CFGS in Transport and Logistics can also opt to obtain a qualification as an International Trade Technician by taking just one more year.

Check here all the information about this training

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You can read about student experiences below:

Andrea Olivares and Judith Santasusana received the Cerdanyola Talent Factory 1st Category Prize, for their business idea based on the Canvas Model, named "Psycho Game"

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