
Present your entrepreneurial idea for the CIEU Awards

The aim of the CIEU Awards for the Most Enterprising Idea is to promote entrepreneurship and innovation at university level. 

If you are working on your own innovative project, you can take part in the CIEU Most Enterprising Idea Award. Organised by the Centre for University Entrepreneurial Initiatives (CIEU), the competition is aimed at:

  • Alumni UAB network
  • the student body at FUAB Formació School (Archival and Record Management, Prevention and Safety, Tourism and Hotel Management) and the UAB Foundation Vocational Training Centre
  • students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
  • the entire university community at the UAB. 

The competition is open to individuals or teams, with a maximum of one idea per person or team. The jury, consisting of recognised experts from the university and business world, will evaluate the projects based on their originality and degree of innovation, the suitability of the entrepreneur's profile or the complementarity of the team, knowledge about the product or service, knowledge about potential clients and their competitors, the implementation of the idea and the technical and economic viability of the project. 

To participate, you must fill in the participation form and the CIEU entrepreneurs' registration form, which can be found in the terms and conditions in the call for proposals. 

The prizes to be awarded under the four categories are as follows: 

  • Escola FUAB Formació category: 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes of 250, 150 and 100 euros respectively. 
  • Faculty of Economics and Business Studies category. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes of 250, 150 and 100 euros respectively. 
  • Rest of the UAB category. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes of 250, 150 and 100 euros respectively. 
  • UAB Alumni category. There are two subcategories, general and social impact and sustainability, each with a prize of 500 euros, awarded by the Caixa d'Enginyers bank. 

Read the terms and conditions for these awards 

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