Phases of the approval process
If you have studied abroad and want to gain admission a higher vocational education cycle, you must validate your foreign studies. To prove that you have started the official recognition process, you must present a valid conditional registration form, a document confirming that you have requested the recognition or validation of your studies and that the process is ongoing. Remember that the referral note is valid for one academic year.
Registration will be subject to the positive outcome of the application for official recognition.

- Stage 1: Submit the electronic application (not equivalent to proof of recognition process).
- Stage 2: Make the fees payment, where applicable.
- Stage 3: Submit the original academic documents to an official registry office (valid as proof of recognition process). At this stage, the recognition process begins.
- Stage 4: Requirements: You may receive requests from Administration to complete the application data. At this point the process is pending.
- Stage 5: Credentials: you will receive the final official recognition or validation credentials. This is the proof that accredits you as a student for our courses.
- Applicants who reside within the territorial scope of the Autonomous Communities of Galicia, Catalonia or the Basque Country:
Select the country where it was obtained
- General requirements for homologation
- General requirements for documents
- Information about oficial translation of documents
- Request the homologation
- Step 1- Online application
- Step 2- Payment of the fee
- Step 3- Submit the documentation of the education you wish to homologate or validate.
The documentation to be submitted depends on the course of education for which recognition or validation is sought. The documentation submission sheet generated by the computing application specifies the documents to be submitted by the applicant. Besides fulfilling certain requirements, the documents submitted must be originals. For this purpose, the registry where this documentation is submitted will digitise these documents and will issue the corresponding receipt of submission. You can go directly to:
- The electronic registryof the administration or body to whichthe documents are addressed, as well as to the other electronic registries of any of the subjects referred to in article 2.1. of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
- The registration assistance offices or any of the Government of Catalonia's digitization and registration points.
- Post offices, as established by regulation.
- The diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad. Check the addresses
- Where you can carry out the procedure:
- Departament d'Educació.
- Oficina d'accés a la formació professional (CEB).
- Oficina d'Atenció Ciutadana a la Cerdanya.
- Oficina d'Atenció Ciutadana del Districte Administratiu
- Oficina d'Atenció Ciutadana a Girona.
- Oficina d'Atenció Ciutadana a Tarragona.
- Serveis Territorials d'Educació al Baix Llobregat.
- Serveis Territorials d'Educació a la Catalunya Central.
- Serveis Territorials d'Educació a Lleida.
- Serveis Territorials d'Educació al Maresme-Vallès Oriental.
- Serveis Territorials d'Educació a Tarragona.
- Serveis Territorials d'Educació a les Terres de l'Ebre.
- Serveis Territorials d'Educació al Vallès Occidental
- Applicants who do not reside within the territorial scope of the Autonomous Communities of Galicia, Catalonia or the Basque Country: follow the Ministry's procedure
Homologates or validates VET studies, plastic arts and design, sports, professional and higher arts, and artistic masters!
- Applicants who reside within the territorial scope of the Autonomous Communities of Galicia, Catalonia or the Basque Country:
For people who seek recognition of courses of education or qualifications obtained abroad and who live in Catalonia.
What documentation do you have to present?
Consult the Homologation section of the Tria educativa website for the requirements of the studies for which homologation or validation is requested.
Start the process: Follow these steps
- Applicants who do not reside within the territorial scope of the Autonomous Communities of Galicia, Catalonia or the Basque Country: follow the Ministry's procedure
Through this procedure you can request the homologation of higher education degrees granted by foreign institutions to official Spanish university degrees or Master's degrees that give access to a regulated profession in Spain
Recognition of foreign qualifications as equivalent to Spanish qualifications providing access to regulated professions will entail the possibility of undertaking the relevant regulated professional activity under the same conditions as holders of enabling Spanish qualifications.