

Admission to advanced vocational training courses (CFGS) is regulated by the Education Act, article 41 of Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December, which amends Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education.

Academic requirements
What do I need to access it?

Direct access is possible for those applicants who fulfil the following conditions:

  • have a high school diploma,
  • have the diploma of vocational training technician or fine arts and design, senior vocational training technician or visual arts and design or specialist technician,
  • have the second year diploma of high school in any type of experimental high school,
  • have the university orientation course (COU) diploma or the pre-university,
  • have a high school diploma for having completed the polyvalent unified high school diploma (BUP),
  • have any university degree or an equivalent diploma, 
  • have passed the university entrance test for those over 25 or 45 years of age, or have entered the university for having accredited work or professional experience having reached the age of 40.

People who do not hold any of the aforementioned qualifications must pass the Department of Education's CFGS entrance examinations (b). 

(a) If you still do not have your certificate, you must present the application form for the academic and professional certificate and a document providing proof of payment of the fees which has been stamped by the academic institution. 

(i) If the student has not yet completed these studies at the time of pre-enrolment and therefore does not have any admission documents, a declaration of responsibility can be presented, which has the same effects for admission, accrediting that once the certificate is available it will be presented to the centre.  

(b) You must present a certificate of successful completion of the tests taken as part of specific subjects for the HVQT than you will enroll. If you still have to take the tests but wish to pre-enrol, you must present the registration form for your admission test. Pre-enrolment will be conditional upon proof of having passed the test (you will have to present the document). 

(*) It is not possible to access a higher vocational training course in vocational training or in plastic arts and design with a sports technician's certificate, ("Organic Law 8/2013, of 9 December, for the improvement of educational quality", article 38, which modifies article 44 of Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on education (LOE)). 


Have you studied abroad and need to homologate your degree? You must homologate your diploma

Check all basic information about requirements and documents to be submitted. Homologation

Students under temporary protection regime or special situations

Language requirement

If you enrol to International Trade in English is required:

-a minimum command of English at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It must be accredited with an official level certificate (FCE, IELTS, TOEFL or similar).

-a Spanish at B1 level

Don't you hold an English oficial level certificate? In case of not holding a certificate of the levels or equivalent, students must take a level test with UAB Languages.

If results of English level test are below B2 level, students must improve their English Language skills in order to match the minimun Language requirement for the programme.

 If results of spanish level test are below B1 level, you must enroll it as a second language.

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