News archive


Commemorative act for the 25N

The Observatory for Equality of the UAB has programmed two activities in the framework of the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the latter of which is a commemorative act that will be held on 29 November at 12 noon 


Visites al Campus Online T2

"No em toquis la llengua", new UAB campaign in defense of the Catalan language

“No em toquis la lengua” is both an awareness-raising and inspirational campaign. Firstly, it aims to clearly state the University’s position in favour of the Catalan language. Secondly, it aims to be an inspirational campaign that values the richness of the language through a series of authentic and uniquely Catalan words.

Visites al Campus Online T2

"No em toquis la llengua", new UAB campaign in defense of the Catalan language

“No em toquis la lengua” is both an awareness-raising and inspirational campaign. Firstly, it aims to clearly state the University’s position in favour of the Catalan language. Secondly, it aims to be an inspirational campaign that values the richness of the language through a series of authentic and uniquely Catalan words.