Effective Gender Equality in Research and in Academia


The UAB is represented by the Observatory for Equality in the Project “EGERA - Effective Gender Equality in Research and in Academia” (2014-2017), funded by the European Commission within the framework of the FP7 programme.

UAB is the preferred partner of the project and responsible for the work package: “Strengthening Gender Perspective in Research.” Science Po (France) leads the project in which eight universities and research centres participate.

For more information please contact the mail or  the official web of the project or flyer / flyer UAB

"The research leading to results has received funding These from the Seventh Framework Programme of the European community for Research (FP7 2007-2013) under grant agreement no 612413. Publication This reflected the views only of the author, and the European Union can not be held responsible for use year Which May be made ​​of the information Contained therein ".

Universities at EGERA Project:  UAB, University of Anvers (UA) in Belgium, University of Radboud (SKU) in Netherlands, University of Vechta at Germany, University of Ankara (METU) at Turkey, el Investigation Global Change Center (Czech Globe) and the Sociolofic and social intervention Center (CESIS) of Portugal.

The purpose of EGERA's project is to achieve gender equality in academia and strengthen the gender dimension in research, working from five axes organized into work packages:

1. Analysis of indicators of structural inequality
2. Promotion of friendly business and educational environments from the perspective of gender
3. Gender training of the university community
4. Transforming governance models
5. Strengthening gender research and scientific content

The role of the Observatori
The Observatori is the responsible of strengthening the axis of gender in research and scientific content. During the four years, we developed: a critical report on instruments of the European Commission to mainstream gender in research, support guides to train staff director and project manager and research trainees, and finally a bench database of good practices in gender and research available to the scientific community.

Teresa Freixes  (Coordinator)
Laura Duarte
Maribel Ponferrada
Bettina Steible
Georgeta Ion 
Maria Prat
Begonya Saez

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Research groups from UAB with experience in international research collaborate with the project along with researchers from the Observatory’s Advisory Council.

CAIAC  Centre d'Accessibilitat i Intel·ligència Ambiental de Catalunya- UAB.
CAOS  Computer Architecture & Operating Systems, UAB.
Centre d'Estudis de Patrimoni Arqueològic de la Prehistòria (CEPAP).
CER Migracions-EMIGRA. (Educació, Migracions, Infància, Grup de Recerca). Comparative and Functional Genomics Group, UAB.
CORE Salut Mental. Institut de Biomèdica i Biomedicina, UAB.
Departament d’Enginyeria de la Informació i de les Comunicacions. 
Departament de Psicologia Clínica i de la Salut 
Feminari Dona i Cultura de Masses  (Laboratori de Periodisme).
Fundació Salut i Envelliment. UAB. Dra Laura Coll.
GEPOC – Grup d’Estudi de Processos Oceànics i Climàtic, Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals  (ICTA).
Grup AFIN. Departament d’Antropologia. Dra. Diana Marre.
Grup Antígona, UAB.
Grup d'Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT).
HPC4EAS.  High Performance Computing for Efficient Applications and Simulations, UAB.
Immunologia Cel·lular. IBB. UAB.
Institut de Neurociències de la UAB.
In-COM. Institut de la Comunicació. UAB

Facultat de Dret. UAB
Departament de Filosofia. UAB
Departament de Pediatria, Obstetríca i Ginecologia, i de medicina preventiva. UAB

GRISS: Grup de recerca en imatge, so i síntesi. UAB

Other universities

Universitat de Barcelona
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Ankara University
University of Vechta
Radboud University
University of Antwerp
Free University of Brussels
Ghent University
Middle East Technical University
Istambul University
University of Trento
Science Po

Other organisations and projects involved

AMIT-CAT. Associació de Dones Investigadores i Tecnòlogues a Catalunya.
Comité para la Igualdad de Oportunidades y la Gestión de la Diversidad en los Centros de Investigación. Generalitat de Catalunya.
Czech Globe. Global Change Research Institute. Czech Academy of Sciences
Koç-Kam. Gender Studies Center. Koç University
Unidad Mujer y Ciència. Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. Projecte GENDERNET
Institut Català de les Dones


“Workshop Gender-Sensitive Research in International Projects”. July 2014

The Observatory for Equality, responsible for the work package on gender and research of the EGERA project, supported by the Office of the Research Vice-rector and in collaboration with the Area of Research Management, held the “Workshop Gender-Sensitive Research in International Projects”, aimed at furthering knowledge on gender perspective among managers and personnel in charge of research projects at UAB. The workshop was held on July 11th 2014 at the School of Engineering.

Interview with Sharlene Hesse-Biber

Survey on Equality at UAB. February 2015

The University of Amberes, responsible for the work package on gender friendly work environments (EGERA project), designed a survey on equality which was completed between February and April 2015 by the personnel from the eight partner universities, including the UAB.

More information

“Workshop Intersecting Inequalities”. May 2015

The Observatory for Equality and the Middle East Technical University (METU), responsible for the work package on assessing gender and inequality bias within the EGERA project, organised a workshop about mainstreaming intersectionality in the analysis of inequality between women and men at universities. The workshop took place on May 14th 2015 at the Faculty of Sciences, UAB.


“Getting engaged with gender-sensitive science. EGERA Workshop & PhD Students”. Mayo 2015

The Observatory for Equality organised, along with the doctoral school, a workshop targeted to PhD training staff at UAB aimed at strengthening their knowledge on mainstreaming gender perspective in research.
Researchers from different fields such Biosciences, Economy, Health Sciences, Engineering or Social Sciences presented their projects to mainstream gender in research. The workshop was held at the Faculty of Sciences on May 15th and 22nd 2015.

Interview with Deboleena Roy
Conference by Dr. Roy
More information

“Gender Pilot Training in the UAB”. May 2015

The Radboud University Nijmegen, in charge of the work package training academic communities, conducted a pilot training on gender inequality with the support of the Observatory for Equality and the UAB Training Unit. The workshop, which dealt with gender differences in the professional career and access to job positions, was divided in two days, May 12th and 18th 2015, and addressed to administrative and service staff.
More information

Workshop “Good practices in gender sensitive research”. January 2016

The third workshop of the EGERA project was held in January 2016. It was targeted to introducing and analysing the good practices in mainstreaming gender in research and content.

The programme will be available soon.

Més informació
Entrevista a Agnés Hubert
Resum workshop (vídeo)

Good practices gender introducing gender in curricula  

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Good Practices of Gender Sensitive Research

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EGERA charter for gender-sensitive governance in research & higher education institutions

Commitment Charter for Gender Sensitive Governance in higher education institutions

EGERA charter gender-sensitive communication in and by academic institutions

Commitment Charter to prevent gender bias communications and sexist messages in the university
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(2014) First Gender Equality Report. EGERA Project

First public report on data about gender inequalities in the eight partner universities of the EGERA project, including the UAB.

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EC (2014) Report on the Pilot study on gender culture in the academia and guidelines for gender equality. EGERA Project

Pilot Survey on Equality carried out by the University of Ambers, and directions on Equality to be spread among UAB staff between February and April 2015.

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EC (2015) Assessment of the kick-off phase of EGERA (CESIS)

Evaluation report of the first year of the EGERA project, that includes Plans for Equality by all partner universities.

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Rifà-Valls, M., Ponferrada-Arteaga, M., Duarte,  L. (2014). Report on Mapping & Critical assessment of existing tools for including gender in research

A critical mapping of the main instruments created by the European Commission or other international institutions to support the mainstreaming of gender perspective in research.

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The EGERA project contributes to the implementation of measures from the Third Plan for Equality by the UAB, by meeting the common features of  EGERA.

Table of equivalences between the Third Plan for Equality and the EGERA project at UAB.