

IV Action Plan for gender equality at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2019-2023


In June 2006, the Governing Council of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona approved the First Action Plan for Equality between women and men at the UAB, thereby reaffirming its commitment to equality between women and men and its desire to fulfil the objective set out in article 8 of the UAB Statutes:
"Article 8. Promoting equality between men and women

  1. The University, in accordance with international, European, and internal principles and regulations, is committed to promote equal opportunities between women and men within its self-governing regulations.
  2. The areas that need to be addressed are:
    a. Equal access to education and university research.
    b. Equal access to job positions and professional promotion in the University.
    c. Regulation of working conditions regarding gender perspective, with particular emphasis on work-life balance.
    d. Promotion of gender perspective in teaching and research plans.
    e. Promotion of equal representation in the decision-making bodies and levels of the University”

When the validity of the First Action Plan expired, the Executive Governing Body presented a proposal for a Second Plan, which was later approved by the Governing Council on 9 June 2008. In July 2013, the Third Plan was approved. Nowadays, the UAB abides by the IV Action Plan for Gender Equality, approved by the Governing Council on 4 July 2019. 

The IV Plan is based on the context defined by the current regulative framework, the accumulated experience in the University obtained by the design and implementation of the three previous action plans and the expert knowledge acquired in the past years. These factors outlined three challenges throughout the elaboration process. A first conceptual challenge to introduce the LGBTI perspective and raise awareness about sexism and gender violence. A second operative challenge, to ease the implementation and evaluation of the action measures.  Lastly, a governance challenge with the aim of implying all of the university community and engaging the institution along the process, especially when it comes to being accountable.    

Contents and structure

The IV Action Plan for Gender Equality (IV PAG) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) designs a series of measures that are structured in five action axes. The expected measures are based in the results of the diagnosis designed and made by the Observatory for Equality and the participatory process with the university community.  
The measures that set up the IV PAG maintain certain continuity with the measures that were already in the III PAG. In addition, the measures related to sexism, discrimination and harassment on grounds of gender have been reinforced, and the LGBTI+ rights have also been added. On the other hand, new measures that respond to the policy changes and the main requested needs of the UAB community have been defined. This way, the IV PAG considers 38 measures that are set in operative objectives. The measures are distributed in five action axes that include specific aims as well. In total, the plan foresees 134 operative objectives. The responsible and executive bodies, the instruments and the schedule of the application have been specified for each measure. The axes are the following:

Axis 1. Promotion of culture and equality policies
Axis 2. Equal conditions in the access, promotion and organisation of work and study
Axis 3. Promotion of the gender perspective in teaching and research
Axis 4. Equal participation and representation in the university community
Axis 5. Promotion of an organization free of sexism and gender violence.

In addition to the measures, the action plan presents the main results of the diagnosis, which considers the following aspects: the evaluation of the degree of implementation of the III PAG, the revision of regulations, documents and European reference projects on gender equality, the description of the situation of women in our university, and the evaluation of the community for the application of the PAG and the gender policies.