COVID-19 from gender perspective

Gender impacts of the COVID-19 crisis

Impact of COVID-19 from a gender and LGBTIQ perspective.

The coronavirus betwen difference and inequality
Maria Jesús Izquierdo, retired professor from the UAB, reflects on the difference and inequality between women and men in the context of the Covid-19 crisis.


Crisi COVID-19 amb perspectiva de gènere i LGBTI Maria Jesús Izquierdo

The situation of LGBTIQ+ during the confinement
Lucas Platero, Doctor in Sociology and researcher at the Departament of Social Psychology at the UAB, reflects on the situation of LGBTIQ+ people during the confinement. 

La situació de les persones LGBTIQ durant el confinament

Covid and the global crisi of care
Margot Pujal, Doctor in Social Psychology and researcher at the Departament of Social Psychology at the UAB, reflects about the covid and the global crisi of care and mental health of women.  

La Covid i la pandèmia oculta del Desbordament de la Crisi global de la cura