Travel abroad

Before traveling abroad is important to keep oneself well-informed in order to avoid problems or emergency situations. MAEC’s website supplies useful information for every other trip abroad.
List of every Spanish embassy in the world. It is recommended to look into every other information regarding the country you are planning to travel to since in there you will find up-to-date tips regarding the requisites of how would it be to enter into the country, the documentation and visas needed to do it so as well as the security and sanitary levels or important phone numbers that can come in handy.
In collective emergency situations such as a natural catastrophe it is very important to check the security sections as well as the notice section each embassy has on their website with updated news regarding the country’s situation.

It is also very important to know what kind of help consulates and embassies are able to provide. Especially if you find yourself in a difficult personal situation regarding your well-being. You can check the Consular Attendance information of MAE.

The registration of the consular enrolment is a public register that is done within the Spanish Consular Offices that can be found abroad.
The enrolment is done following the Spanish citizens that live within the proper consular limits, being regular citizens or just in passing. These consular registrations allows you to receive proper diplomatic protections in case of emergency, being that a natural catastrophe, a sanitary emergency, military conflict, a mere accident or a personal situation that may ask for a consular protection.
In the case of an abroad mobility stay it is recommended to fill up the form as being “non-resident” so, if an emergency might happen, they can be contacted by the correspondent consular office. You can apply for it through the MAEC website choosing the option Consular Inscription.

It must be taken into account that according to the sanitary authorities and following the extraordinary measures that must have been taken in order to prevent one being infected by Covid-19, there can be some cases in where online teaching must be done rather than in-class learning, be that at the beginning of your stay or halfway during it.

In order to prevent the contraction of any kind of illness the World Health Organization recommends –or compels, depending on the case- to get your vaccines done before traveling internationally. Catalonian vaccination centers supply an individualized care regarding the shots one must take depending on the country, time of the year, type and duration of the trip.
You can find more information in the following link: International Vaccination Gencat

Among the EU
For stays within the European Union its highly recommended to get the European Healthcare card, which gives you the rights to receive the sanitary perks that might be needed during your temporary stay within the Schengen borders according to the rules and legislations of the host country. In some cases, a fixed amount of money or percentage will be needed to be paid in order to get the full coverage in the same conditions that the citizens of the country itself so it is also recommended to have a healthcare insurance that includes coverage in case of Covid-19. UAB’s complementary insurance covers such case but it merely gives you a threshold of 6.000 euros, reason as of why an additional insurance of a 300.000 minimum coverage is also recommended.
Outside the EU
For mobility programs that are outside the European union borders is highly advisable to have a health insurance that covers every possible Covid-19 treatment expenses. UAB’s complementary insurance covers such case but it merely gives you a threshold of 6.000 euros, reason as to why an additional insurance of a 300.000 minimum coverage is also recommended. Omnibus offers such kind of insurance but any other that follows these rules would also be acceptable.

Depending on where you plan to travel you might find very diverse climatology. It is recommended to be up-to-date of every other possible condition you might encounter.
The following links can aid on that regard:

UE citizens- under a certain set of rules- have the right to move freely within the UE borders. European rules, abided to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, are to secure the right of the citizens so they are protected when they are in a Member State that is not their own. The RightsApp is a phone app that can be found in four different languages [English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese] and covers all three sceneries that can be followed in case you find yourself in need of help.
The first case would be to call 112. By only pressing a button you will be able to make the call.
The second case focuses in the information available to the rights covered by those within the UE borders. After a quick survey the rights that can help to the app user are made available.
The third and last use of the app covers the entities and help centers to those who have suffered any kind of crime in Catalonia.