Requests to the Standing Committee
You can see the composition of the Standing Committee on this link.
Meetings of the Standing Committee of the School for Doctoral Studies are programmed on a calendar which you can consult here.
Given that each case needs to be reviewed and prepared, requests must be presented with the corresponding signatures by the first day of each month at the latest. The School for Doctoral Studies reserves the right to postpone requests for consideration at later meetings of the Standing Committee according to the subject.
The application procedure consists of 2 stages. The delivery date is the second stage. You must have signed in to your UAB account.
Stage 1: Preparation of the request. Document to be signed
- In this stage you enter the details of the request, the reasons for it and the attached documentation. You will obtain a PDF document to download which must be signed by your tutor, all your supervisors and the coordinator of your PhD programme.
- The signatures must be digital. Where one of the signatories has to sign manually they must appear as the first signatory and the other signatures must be made on the scanned document with the manual signature.
- Access to stage 1: Preparation of the request. Document to be signed
Stage 2: Submission of the request to the Standing Committee
- Upload the document obtained in the previous stage with all the required signatures.
- Access to stage 2: Submission of the request to the Standing Committee meeting on 20/09/2024 (active until 02/09/2024 at 23:59)
- Access to stage 2: Submission of the request to the Standing Committee meeting on 25/10/2024 (active until 01/10/2024 at 23:59)
The list of positive resolutions will be published during the week after the meeting on this website. Rejected submissions or those submitted with anomalies will be notified individually by email or via the E-notum application.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for on this page you can contact the School for Doctoral Studies directly at (you need to indicate your Spanish national ID or passport number, your NIU, and your full name).
Requests for a change in the mode of study from full-time to part-time or vice versa submitted after the first two academic years of the PhD programme.
Summary of the regulations
The minimum and maximum periods for depositing the thesis are as follows:
- Full time
Minimum 2 years from the date of admission (3 registration periods) and maximum 5 years.
- Part time
Minimum 4 years from the date of admission (5 registration periods) and maximum 8 years.
- Remember that once an extension period has begun changes to your mode of study do not affect the maximum date for completion of your thesis.
- If you are studying full time, the extension begins in the year of your 4th monitoring period*
- If you are studying part time, the extension begins in the year of your 5th monitoring period *
- *If you have made a change to your mode of study previously these parameters may vary
- If the resolution is positive, the change will take effect from the date of the meeting of the Standing Committee that authorised it.
In your request you need to state
- Reasons for the change
This format, which is only available in exceptional circumstances must ensure the non-public dissemination of some aspects of the thesis and the defence, as well as in the archiving of the thesis.
Summary of the regulations
The Academic Committee of the programme will decide on the need to opt for this format as a result of circumstances such as the participation of companies in the PhD programme or in the school, the existence of confidentiality agreements with companies or the possibility of generating patents related to the content of the PhD thesis.
In your request you need to
- State the reasons for the request.
- Attach the documents indicated in this document.
Summary of the regulations
Exceptionally the defence may take place outside the UAB, in a space linked to the research.
Consult the list of places here which are authorised for the defence and which do not require permission from the Standing Committee.
In your request you need to
- State the reasons for the request.
- Specify the place you carried out the research and the data collection for the thesis.
- State the name and description of the place where you want to defend your thesis.
- Indicate whether it is a teaching centre and whether it has the capacity, means and conditions of accessibility necessary for the defence.
The regulations state that thesis defences must be in person. In some duly justified cases the defences may be carried out with some or all of the people involved online:
Completely live online
This needs to have the previous authorisation of the Standing Committee, justifying the impossibility of defending the thesis in person. All the arguments must be supported by the necessary documents, e.g. medical, employment, family circumstances, etc.
A completely live online defence is understood as being when:
- The PhD candidate and all members of the examination panel are connected from different physical locations.
- The PhD candidate is in one physical location and the examination panel is convened in a different location.
- The PhD candidate is accompanied by part of the examination panel but in a location off the UAB campus.
Partially live online
These do not require authorisation by the Standing Committee. The relevant department must indicate that the defence will be carried out in this modality on the thesis announcement document.
A partially live online defence is understood as being when:
- The PhD candidate is present at the UAB in person, accompanied by at least one of the members of the examination panel. The other member of the examination panel are online.
Summary of the regulations
Exceptionally, the Standing Committee may authorise the deposit of the thesis before the minimum period to do so has expired (2 years for full-time study and 4 years for part-time study), as long as the obligatory activities have been carried out and validated on the student’s record.
In your request you need to
- State the reasons for the request.
- State the approximate date when you want to deposit and defend your thesis.
Confirm that you have completed all the obligatory activities of the PhD programme and that your supervisor has validated them (“validated” should appear next to activities with a blue button)