John Murra-ICA's collection
Description of the collection:
The collection of books of the anthropologist John Murra, owned by the Catalan Institute of Anthropology (ICA), was lent to the Humanities Library thanks to professor Verena Stolcke, from the Department of Anthropology of the UAB, as president of the ICA.
This collection, which represents a part of his research library, was sold by its owner to the ICA in 1988. It consists of more than 1500 highly specialized works in African and Andean anthropology and cultures which will be of great interest to the university community.
John Murra was one of the most important personalities in the knowledge of the Andean world and the complexity of its cultures, as well as an example of political and moral awareness for our time.
Limit dates: 1866-2006
Date of incorporation: 2013
Depository library: Humanities Library
Where to consult the documentation: UAB libraries search