Online thesis deposit application
To find out how to make the request you can watch the videos in the following sections.
The details and documents that your enter (title of the thesis, copy of the thesis, etc.) are considered final when the official dissemination of the thesis has been carried out by the Doctoral School.

(Video in Spanish; click on the CC button to display the English subtitles)

(Video in Spanish; click on the CC button to display the English subtitles)
The title of the thesis should not be in capital letters or contain any spelling mistakes, etc.
If there are forms or characters that the program does not recognise or allow you to use, please send us an email to: so that they can be included.
The lines of research indicated should be the same as those entered by the thesis supervisor/academic tutor.

(Video in Spanish; click on the CC button to display the English subtitles)
Here you can find the examining board models to fill out and upload in the 'Attach Documentation' section. It is mandatory to include this document to submit the application correctly:
Furthermore, all the members of the proposed panel must fill out this document so that the PhD Programme Academic Committee can assess their suitability.
Remember that the panel must be made up of people of different sexes, that is, all the participants cannot be men or women.
If yours is an interuniversity programme, the academic tutors from other universities are considered as "members of the UAB".
Panel members: only one of the three panel members may be from the UAB or the institutions collaborating with the Doctoral School or the PhD Programme.
Reserve members: If on the day of the thesis defence one of the members of the examination panel cannot attend, they can be substituted by a reserve member, taking into account that only one of the members of the final composition of the panel may be from the UAB or the institutions collaborating with the School for Doctoral Studies or the PhD Programme. It is recommended to propose 3 reserve members and that at least one of them is in a position to act in the examining board if a last minute incident occurs. It should be a person external to the UAB and with an address or workplace near the Campus or the thesis defense space.
Remember that the thesis supervisors, or ex-thesis supervisors, or academic tutor, or ex-academic tutors, or responsible for the stays for the International Doctoral Research Component, or co-authors of the articles cannot be part of the examination panel.
At most, one of the panel members may belong to the UAB or to the collaborating institutions of the Doctoral School or the PhD programme. In other words, if the programme is joint (interuniversity), a maximum of only one panel member and reserve member of the universities participating in the programme may participate.
Important! It is necessary to inform the DNI / Passport / NIE of all the members of the examination panel in the proposal that is attached in the "Documentation" section of the online deposit so that we can process TESEO.
⚠ It is highly recommended to include 2 email addresses for each member of the examination panel, one personal and one institutional (of the entity where he / she works).
As a novelty, students will have to upload the suitability document on this screen (it is mandatory), where the member of the panel provides his/her information to check if the requirements for accredited research experience are met (Art. 325 bis). Each programme can decide whether the CV is uploaded or not (optional).
Attention! All the members of the examination panel that are already registered in our system have the UAB as their linkage. Above all, we must not re-register them as external professors.. In case that the linkage is not correct, it must be modified indicating the corresponding origin (University, institution, etc.), as well as the current email address. It is very important that this email address is the one normally useb by the member of the examination panel, since all the documentation for the defense will be sent to that address and, if it is not correct, ther may be incidents in the defense. It is also necessary for the member of the examination panel to check the "spam" folder of his mail in case our messages end up there.
Remember that together with the copy of the thesis, you must send your activities document to the members of the examination panel. To obtain it, you only need to enter your virtual file, in the "activities document" tab. At the bottom of the screen, you will find a button that says 'Print'; you must click and a PDF will be generated with the information that you can send to the members of the examining board.

(Video in Spanish; click on the CC button to display the English subtitles)
Warning! As of December 2020 there is a new codification for the theses, for the management of the TDR.
Consult in this link the THEMA code you must indicate.
For specific questions about this code, you can contact
Teseo: You will find the Thesaurus codes in the same application of the online deposit.

(Video in Spanish; click on the CC button to display the English subtitles)
If you make a mistake when you are uploading the thesis document and you have already saved it, you can cancel your request or inform your supervisor that it is not the final version. This will mean the coordinator of the programme will delay your request so that you can change the file before the deposit reaches the validation of the Doctoral School.
Given that during the request to deposit your thesis on line you will be sent emails advising you of the status of your request we recommend that everyone involved (PhD candidates, supervisors and tutors) checks their spam inboxes.
Connect to begin your online thesis deposit.