The UAB Study Room is open on weekends and extend its opening hours

Sala d'Estudi UAB

From October 3, the UAB Study Room (Social Sciences Library) will extend its opening hours and will open on weekends


Opening hours can be changed due to the COVID-19. Consult hours.

The UAB Study Room (Social Sciences Library) will be open on weekends, from 6 am to midnight, from Saturday 3 October.

During the week, from Monday to Friday, the opening hours are also extended, from 6 am to midnight. You can check the schedules of the Study rooms and Libraries on the timetable page.

If you want to access the UAB Study Room outside normal library hours (8.30 am to 9 pm), you must present a valid card that accredits you as a member of the UAB.

Regarding COVID prevention measures, remember that to enter the facilities you must:

  • Always wear a face mask
  • Maintain safety distances
  • Follow the instructions in the libraries. You can consult the page The library, a safe space.