The (in)visible ingenuity. Women and technology

Exposició L’enginy (in)visible. Dones i tecnologia
An exhibition on the role of women in the social and technological evolution of society


The Science and Technology Library exhibits from 4 to 26 October, in the General Hall, the exhibition 'El ingenio (in) visible. Women and technology: past, present and future 'ceded by the Catalan Society of Technology (SCT).

In recent years, history and the present have been reviewed to recognize and value the role played by women in the social and technological evolution of society, as well as in art and other fields of daily life. And this traveling exhibition wants to promote female talent in the technological field because, while all university studies have achieved equal percentages between men and women, women are a minority in all TECH and ICT degrees. As says Blanca Tejedor, a professor at the Higher School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrasa: "You should not question professionalism by gender or age. Knowledge does not understand men or women. "

Do not miss it!

Photographs of the exhibition: