The first stage of Spain at CERN

Exposició sobre el CERN
The Science and Technology Library shows the physics of the 60s through some documents available in the DDD


In the mid-50s, Franco's Spain lives a moment of international openness that culminates in January 1961 with its entry into the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN). This fact allowed scientists and, especially, physicists to know first hand the advances in the field of High Energy Physics and introduce them into the country.

The exhibition "The first stage of Spain in the CERN through the documents of the DDD" reflects the confrontation of those 60s between political and economic interests that believed in the development of nuclear energy and scientific interests that demanded investment in theoretical physics. And all from the documentation of three prominent physicists who developed their research at CERN, and which is available through the digital repository of the UAB. These are Antoni Lloret, Pedro Pascual and Miquel Tomàs. Through its personal archives we trace the scientific history of this permanence and the subsequent departure of CERN in December 1968.

The sample has as a theme the article  España en el CERN (1961-1969), o el fracaso de la física autárquica from professor Xavier Roqué of the Department of Philosophy UAB (​​History of Science), without which its realization hadn't been possible.

Photographs of the exhibition: