"Science and Poetry" Exhibition, 2023 edition

Ciència i Poesia

The Science and Technology Library gives visibility to its #CiènciaiPoesia dissemination project that it carries out through the social network X, highlighting the interrelationships between science and poetry


During the month of March 2020, a series of unexpected events: the explosion of the pandemic, the confinement of the population, working from home for many people.

In that turbulent and uncertain situation, full of news of all kinds, the staff of the Science and Technology Library took the opportunity to, among other tasks, update the web pages of their exhibitions, including the "Science and poetry" one held at end of 2014.

Going one step further, it occurred to us to publish one by one, each Saturday morning, the poems from that exhibition through the social network X -formerly known as Twitter-, grouping them under the hashtag #CiènciaiPoesia.

And our interest in bringing the lyricism of knowledge to you has continued alive all this time, well...

  • we have published nearly 200 poems, and recommended many collections of poems,
  • we have made known women and men of science who find in poetry and metaphors a better way to explain nature, and
  • we have celebrated poets who approach scientific fact and experience it in their way of expressing it.

And all this with a single intention: don't be afraid of #CiènciaiPoesia!

Furthermore, coinciding with the current exhibition, we have prepared a poetry slam for Tuesday, December 19, at 1:00 p.m., which will be attended by four members of the scientific community of the UAB campus who also write poetry and who responded to the call of the Library to collaborate with us. Is about:

  • Hugo Cano (PhD student in Genetics),
  • Sara Dallarés (BABVE professor at the Faculty of Biosciences),
  • Daniel Martín (researcher at the Barcelona Institute of Materials Science (ICMAB-CSIC), and
  • Jordi Vallverdú (ICREA Acadèmia Researcher of the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters).

You are invited to attend!

Photographs of the exhibition


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  • Quality education