Open Acces in the UAB

Observatori de l'Accés Obert
About 50% of the articles published in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona are in open access according to the Open Access Observatory


According to the Open Access Observatory, about 50% of the articles published in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona between 2017 and 2018 are in open access. You can see the evolution of open access in the UAB (2011-2018) since the entry into force of the Spanish Law on Science.

The observatory was created in March 2019. This observatory aims to monitor the status of Open Access in Catalan public universities. Currently, the sources of information used are Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. Following the initiatives of other countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, the observatory shows the results of the participating institutions obtained from it methodology. It also presents the aggregated information.

This observatory is also complemented by the Open research thermometer in the UAB. Inaugurated in October 2017, you can see the total number of research documents (with data disaggregated by type), the evolution of Ein@ articles available in open access, the research centers and groups with publications in the DDD (UAB Digital Repository of Documents) and the number of UAB scientific journals published in open access.

The results complement the data shown by the open access publication indicator of the Portal de Recerca de Catalunya (PRC). This indicator indicates the total number of publications and theses that are in the PRC in open and closed access and the average open access publications.