Exhibition "Maths is everywhere"

Exposició Dia de les matemàtiques
We celebrate the first International Mathematics Day with an exhibition at the Science and Technology Library


March 14, or also 3.14, called Pi Day for years, is the International Mathematics Day, as proclaimed by the General Assembly of UNESCO last November.

On this day the math community is invited to organize all kinds of activities, aimed at both students and the general public, in schools, museums, libraries and all kinds of spaces.

That is why the Library, in collaboration with professors Rosa Camps and Dolors Herbera of the Department of Mathematics, has set up this exhibition - open until March 23 - following the theme of this first celebration: "Mathematics is everywhere ".

Taking as a base the external practices of the Degree in Mathematics, we can get an idea of ​​the wide variety of sectors in which mathematics can be applied and its important relevance: from the automotive, logistics, games or finance, including immunology, steel production or lace fabric design.

We hope you enjoy both the day and the visit!