Exhibition 20th anniversary of the Euro

20th Anniversary of the Euro

The Social Sciences Library celebrates the 20th birthday of the Euro


Happy Birthday, Euro!

On the 1st January our currency will complete 20 years. The euro, that is our currency and the currency of more than 340 million citizens of 19 countries, plus a few million more from other countries that have it as their currency despite not belonging to the EU, is considered the second most important currency in the world.

Many of us remember (or not!) the old pesetas and above all the fuss that generated the monetary system change on the 1st of January 2002 when after so much uncertainty, hope and conflicting opinions, good part of Europe began to trade both bills and euro coins.

The implementation of the single currency in Spain will lead to the largest monetary change in the history of the country. The process will be accompanied by outreach campaigns, dubs, institutional recommendations and intense coverage of communication media, social debate and great expectations.

With its exhibition, the Social Sciences Library wants to pay a small tribute to the euro, which leaves behind its adolescence and enters adulthood.

Happy 20!


Exhibition's photographs: ddd.uab.cat/record/254853

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  • Peace, justice and strong institutions