DynaMed, database that combines clinical evidence with expert guidance

DynaMed, base de dades clau que combina l'evidència clínica amb l'orientació d'experts

DynaMed allows you to consult clinical evidence, videos, images, medical calculators, information and interactions about medications, foods, active alerts, etc.


DynaMed, a clinical decision support tool, allows doctors, students and medical teachers to find answers to their questions quickly and easily. This database includes evidence-based clinical practice resources providing overviews and recommendations, accurate search results, graphics and images, specialized content, expert review, and drug information from Micromedex® Clinical Knowledge Suite drug content. You will find information on emergency medicine, cardiology, oncology, infectious diseases, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology.

DynaMed database, considered the number 1 resource worldwide for clinical decision support and patient care ("Best in KLAS" 2022), allows you to consult the most up-to-date clinical evidence, videos, images, calculators medical information, information and interactions about medications, foods, active alerts, etc.

Think no more and register at DynaMed. Once you have registered, you can access it from any computer or device, inside and outside (remote access) of the UAB. You also have the option to download and install the DynaMed app available for both iOS and Android. What are you waiting for?

Instructions to install the Mobile App:

  1. Search and download the DynaMed app in the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Open the application and authenticate in “Sign in” with the email and password with which you registered at DynaMed.
  3. You will receive a message confirming the authentication has been successful and you will have to choose an installation option. If you select full installation (online and offline access), the download will take approximately 5 minutes.


Learn how to use Dynamed


This information is related to the following SDG

  • Quality education