Other questions

Other questions

Will there be single application will be available for the whole of the UAB for students to communicate the subjects for which they would like to request single assessment?

At present and bearing in mind that the regulations allow teaching centres to adjust the calendar, processes and criteria for their subjects, we are not in a position to evaluate whether a single application for all centres would be appropriate. We therefore recommend that centres draw up a form using Microsoft Forms or similar. At the end of the 2023-2024 academic year, based on the diversity of processes used by the different centres and the number of students opting for this mode year we will consider whether this process needs to be centralised for 2024-2025.

Who approves the list of subjects eligible for single assessment?

The regulations state that the list can only be approved by one of the bodies in the centre on which students are represented.

What does reasoned request mean? What sort of reasons would justify single assessment approval?

For requests presented within the deadline stated on the academic and administrative calendars, approval is automatic. The reasons given are used for information purposes only and do not affect whether the request is successful or not.

In exceptional cases students can also request single assessment outside the deadline dates. Is this only for unexpected work and health reasons? Or are there other reasons? If so, what are they?

Requests presented outside the deadline dates as a result of unexpected circumstances must be justified by documentation which will be considered when making a decision. Unexpected work or health situation are specifically anticipated by the Academic Regulations as possible reasons but there could be others. In these cases the centre must consider them and issue the corresponding decision on approval.

Who formally communicates the names of students who have opted for single assessment to the teachers?

The centre has to manage the communication. The procedure must be as close as possible to that for modifying registration details.

On which dates should the single assessment be programmed? Does it have to be at the end of the teaching period? Can it be before or during the weeks set aside for resits? Can it be the same week as the last continuous assessment activity is carried out?

Single assessment must take place toward the end of the teaching period and before the resit period so that single assessment student also have the opportunity to resit.

Does the resit exam have to be the same for continuous assessment students and single assessment students? Or can the dates and content of each be different?

The person responsible for the subject is the one who decides this. In any case, it should all be clearly set out in the teaching guide for the subject.

(Last updated: 22 March 2023)