List of subjects

List of subjects

Do Master’s degrees also offer subjects for single assessment or are they excluded?

Article 265.1 of the Academic Regulations does not restrict single assessment to any particular type of study:
Students can request single assessment for those subject that allow that allow this in terms of their content and teaching methodology, and this will be established in the teaching guide for the subject, which will also set out the system of assessment to be followed. All qualifications must offer the possibility of requesting single assessment. 

It is therefore obligatory to offer single assessment in all Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

Can students opt for single assessment for their final degree projects or work placements?

Final degree projects and work placements are supervised teaching subjects and therefore are not eligible for single assessment, which applies only to directed teaching subjects.

Can single assessment be requested for optative subjects or only obligatory subjects?

Single assessment can be requested for any type of subject with directed teaching. However, it cannot be the case that only optative subjects on a course are eligible for the option of single assessment.

Is there a minimum number of subjects on a given course that have to be offered as single assessment options?

No. However, the criteria for choosing must be to exclude only those subjects which, for reasons of their competence profile, do not  allow this mode of assessment.  

(Last updated: 22 March 2023)