New Protocol to prevent and act against harassment

Aprovació del Protocol per prevenir i actuar contra l'assetjament sexual i per raó de sexe, orientac
The UAB Governing Council approves the new Protocol to prevent and act against sexual and sex-based harassment, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and male chauvinist violence.


On Wednesday 7 November, the UAB Governing Council approved the new Protocol to prevent and act against sexual and sex-based harassment, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and male chauvinist violence, which takes as a starting point the Protocol in force since 2016. With this new document the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona expands and secures its commitment to erradicate male chauvinist violence and abusive relationships in all the university fields.
The approved Protocol plans a comprehensive approach by expanding the action prospect and the definitions. On the one hand, it includes prevention, action, support and assistance measures, and on the other hand it identifies harassment and male chauvinist violence behaviours in order to guarantee a comprehensive protection of the whole UAB community.
Among the commitments in which the University is interested are dissemination, training and raising awareness. For this reason, communication and training strategies with regular information campaigns and specific training programmes for the different UAB communities will be developed from different areas.
The Observatory for Equality will be responsible of the attention, assistance and support service for those people who decide to make use of the Protocol. The Observatory will create a yearly report on the presented complaints and the adopted measures, which will be sent to the University Senate.
The new protocol is one of the measures collected in the Third Action Plan for Equality between Women and Men at the UAB (2013-2017) and is an answer to one of the goals of the EGERA Project.
A safe and confidential process
The Protocol to prevent and act against sexual and sex-based harassment, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and male chauvinist violence has been in force since its approval and anyone who makes use of it will be part of a safe and confidential process.
The action principles in the protocol guarantee the assistance and protection of the dignity of the people involved. The whole procedure and its documents are absolutely confidential. Besides, the protocol establishes the making of all necessary actions to guarantee the absence of reprisals against people making use of it, in the present and in the future.