University Master's Degrees The UAB offers high quality graduate programmes
List of official master's degree belonging to the field of psychology and speech therapy
Name Type Places Modality
Educational Psychology UAB University Master's Degree 40 places Classroom-based learning
Educational Psychology (MIPE) Inter-University 40 places

Classroom-based learning

General Health Psychology UAB University Master's Degree 80 places Classroom-based learning
Legal and Forensic Psychology UAB University Master's Degree 30 places

Classroom-based learning

Management of Human Resources in Organisations UAB University Master's Degree 30 places Classroom-based learning
Neurosciences UAB University Master's Degree 40 places Classroom-based learning.
Pharmacology UAB University Master's Degree 25 Classroom-based learning.
Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Inter-University 25 places Classroom-based learning.
Psychosocial Research and Intervention UAB University Master's Degree 30 places Classroom-based learning
Research in Clinical Psychology and Health UAB University Master's Degree 20 places Classroom-based learning.