The Observatory takes part of the 12th Meeting of Gender Equality Units

XVI Trobada d'Unitats d'Igualtat
On 4 and 5 April our director Maria Prats attended the 12th Meeting of Gender Equality Units for university excellence in Alicante, based on the Network of Gender Equality Units for University Excellence (RUIGEU).


The twelfth edition of the Meeting of Gender Equality Units for university excellence took place on 4 and 5 April and included the participation of more than forty universities, among which was the UAB represented by our director Maria Prats.

In this edition the conferences and the debates on which the meeting has revolved have focused on four areas. The first area of work has been the need to apply new initiatives to encourage young women to choose careers in STEMs.

On the other hand, the need to establish tools for the fiscalisation of equality plans in universities has been addressed and several experiences with harassment protocols in universities throughout Spain have been shared. Finally, the application of gender perspective in university teaching has been debated.

10 years of network for university excellence
RUIGEU, network serving as a basis for this meeting, reaches 10 years weaving a network of collaboration and support between the different equality units in Spanish universities.

The goal of this network is the group work and coordination of efforts and resources of equality units to reach the common goal of promoting equality in the university field. Since 2009 around fifty universities have joined this project, as they have perceived RUIGEU as an essential platform to promote equality policies in their faculties.