Internship (East Asian Studies Degree)
"Pràctiques Externes" (Internship) is an annual 12 ECTS-credit optional subject offered in the fourth (final) year of the BA in East Asian Studies. See the corresponding course programme 101521 (link given below), which sets out details of the formal aspects of these internships.
This internship is offered as part of the undergraduate degree syllabus and, as such, is a curricular activity which involves students working on tasks related to any aspect of their East Asian Stud
ies programme in either companies/organisations off campus, or UAB campus institutions/departments. These internship positions are not remunerated.
This subject comprises a total of 300 hours, 200 of which the student works in situ for the company/organisation or centre – some internships offer students the option to work online.
This subject is also available to incoming exchange students at this Faculty.
Frequently requested links:
To post an internship for a student from the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, fill out the Internships available form and then email to Private or public companies/organisations on or off the UAB campus are eligible to request interns.
The tasks assigned to students must be related to some aspect of East Asian studies. Our BA in East Asian Studies covers the following areas with a particular focus on China, Japan and Korea:
- Humanities: History, Thinking, Literature, Geography, Art and Popular Culture.
- Social Sciences: Economics, Politics, International Relations, Society, Gender, Diversity, Intercultural Studies.
- Linguistics: Contrastive Linguistics, Diachronic Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language and Culture, Discourse Analysis, Translation.
Please note. Students registered for this internship course are either 4th-years from our Faculty or international exchange students studying at our Faculty. While they have advanced level language and translation skills, these are not yet comparable to those of a professional.
Interns work approximately 200 hours at the company/organisation, which is free to decide whether these are in situ and/or online and which days/hourly schedules so that the student can make up the required hours within the dates set out in the "Internship calendar" (typically between mid-October and mid-June).
To request an intern, fill out the details of the position(s) in the "Internships available form" provided. These include the tasks to be performed, work schedule, number of positions, start/end dates, any other specific requirements and the company/organisation details. This form can be filled out any time during the academic year, with the understanding that the place(s) cannot be made available until the beginning of the following academic year, namely September.
Any aspect of the post which is not described in the "Internships available form" or in this web page has to be mutually agreed between the company/organisation and the student. In cases of dispute, the Internships Coordinator or the Vice-Dean for Internships will act as arbitrators. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached, the student has the right to request an internship in another company/organisation.
Concerning the work schedules required by companies/organisations, it is of paramount importance that they allow students to attend the other UAB classes they are registered for and any corresponding evaluation activities.
Students cannot work more hours than those which are stipulated in the agreement. If the company/organisation is interested in prolonging the internship beyond the scheduled 200 hours, then they have to draw up a work contract or another extracurricular internship agreement through the Servei d’Ocupabilitat [UAB's Job Placement Service].
Once the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica) has received the "Internships available form", they will acknowledge receipt and then enter the details into the "List of companies and organisations" which can be queried online – see "Frequently requested links" at the head of this page.
At the beginning of each academic year, students registered for internships choose four companies from this list in order of preference. The Internships Coordinator then assigns students to a company/organisation according to their preferences and the criteria described below (see point 2).
If a company/organisation wishes to withdraw or modify the details of a position already published in the "Internships available form", they must give due notice to the Facult y by email, otherwise it will continue to be offered to students each academic year as per the original conditions. The Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica) sends out an email to the companies/organisations at the beginning of each academic year reminding them that this form will remain in effect unless informed otherwise.
The Faculty cannot guarantee the position(s) offered by the company/organisation will always be covered, as would be the case if there are more posts available than students registered for this course for a given academic year. In such cases, the company/organisation is notified that their post cannot be covered and it will be forwarded to the Faculty coordinators of the MA programmes, as the syllabi for these degrees also include internships.
The Internships Coordinator assigns each place to the student who has requested it (see "Student - what do I have to do?" - point 3), with the exceptions determined by the following criteria:
- the requirements for the position(s) as specified by the company/organisation in the "Internships available form". If the student has not taken these into account, the Internships Coordinator will remove this option from their four choices;
- the student's grade point average. If more than one student lists the same internship offer as their first option, it will be awarded to the one with the highest average; the same process applies to second, third and fourth options;
- the balance between companies/organisations. If a company/organisation offers various places, various students put this as their first option and applying the aforementioned criteria means that nobody is assigned to other companies/organisations chosen by these students in second, third or fourth option, the Internships Coordinator is authorised to make exceptions concerning applying the grade point average in order to distribute the students across the maximum number of companies/organisations possible.
Given the organisational logistics, but also in the interests of equality of opportunity, the company/organisation is not allowed to perform their own selection process when there is more than one student applying for a place. If the company/organisation does not accept the student selected by the Faculty, except for justified reasons (e.g. the student does not fulfill the requirements as stated in the "Internships available form"), the Faculty reserves the right to not continue collaborating with the company/organisation within the context of undergraduate internships.
The Internships Coordinator publishes the allocation of places on the dates set out in the Internship calendar, namely the beginning of October – see "Internships calendar" and "Allocation of internships" banners at the beginning of this web page. The Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica) then notifies the company/organisation by email which student they have been assigned, and likewise notifies the students, informing them to come in person to pick up the document which provides them with legal coverage during their internship and also governs the formal relationship between the company/organisation, Faculty and the student.
If the student is assigned to a company/organisation outside the UAB, then the corresponding document is:
This is a three-party agreement: company/organisation, student and the Faculty Dean's Office. All three parties must sign each copy in the left margin on the front page and also on the back page above their name. The Dean's signature must be accompanied by the Faculty stamp on the back page, and the company/organisation signatory must likewise endorse this document, signing and stamping the back page. If the company/organisation does not have an official stamp, then this must be explicitly stated in the "Observacions" section of the "Internships available form".
This specific agreement has to be signed whether or not there is a current general agreement between the company/organisation and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. General agreements are usually of a prescriptive nature for certain public organisations outside the UAB. In such cases, specific agreements can be signed during the period the general agreement is in effect.
If the student is assigned to an organisation/centre/department which is part of the UAB, then there are two documents which provide them with legal coverage:
Plec de condicions específiques per a la realització de pràctiques acadèmiques a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [Specific requirements form to work as an intern at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
Resolució per a la realització de pràctiques dins l'àmbit de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [Resolution form to work as an intern at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
As regards the first of these two documents, there are three copies; for the latter there are two copies. The first has to be signed by the student and the UAB centre/department where s/he will work as an intern: on the front page in the left hand margin and again above the name on the back page. This document must be endorsed with the centre/department stamp. One copy is for the student, the other for the centre/department and the third copy for the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica). As regards the resolution, this only has to be signed by the Faculty Dean, in duplicate: one copy is for the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica), the other for the UAB centre/department where the student will work as an intern. The Dean's signature must be accompanied by the Faculty stamp.
The student cannot contact the company/organisation tutor to arrange an initial appointment until s/he is in possession of the agreement (or the specific requirements / resolution forms in the case of a UAB on-campus internship)– the contact email can be found in the "List of companies and organisations" at the beginning of this web page. The student must not contact the company nor arrange an initial meeting, either on their own initiative or at the request of the company/organisation, before this because until they are in possession of this document they are neither legally covered nor insured.
When the student collects the agreement (or specific requirements / resolution forms if working on campus) from the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica), it is given to them already signed by the Faculty Dean. The student must sign this (except in the case of the specific requirements / resolution forms) and, during their first visit to the organisation/company or UAB centre/department where they will work as an intern, the student must ask the corresponding signatory to endorse and stamp this agreement on behalf of the company/organisation or UAB centre/department. The signatory is the person stated in the "Internships available form", who may be, but not necessarily, their tutor. S/he has to sign and stamp the three copies of this document. The company/organisation keeps one copy, the student another and the third copy has to be handed in by the student to the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica) within 7 days of the date s/he collected the documents.
As stipulated in the regulations, the student cannot begin the internship until they have returned the copy for the UAB to the Faculty with all the required stamps and signatures.
The company/organisation tutor, also known as "external tutor", is the student's main contact person throughout the internship. S/he will assign the specific tasks the intern has to carry out, give guidance on performing these tasks and provide them with pertinent feedback and observations on the work done. These tutoring tasks are required regardless of whether the intern works in situ at the company or online. Please note that the purpose of internships is to provide students with practical training and are pedagogical in nature. If it is shown that the student has received little feedback from the external tutor, the Internships Coordinator and/or Vice-Dean for Internships reserve the right not to offer the post in the future.
As stated previously, any disagreements between the company/organisation and the student concerning the work schedule, tasks, place where the work is to be performed or other questions, will be resolved according to the information stated in the “Internships available form” with precedence given to any university regulations published on this web page. Should the student wish to lodge a complaint about the company/organisation (e.g. tasks requested other than those specified in the "Internships available form", little interaction by the external tutor, inappropriate treatment, etc.), they must address these by email to the Internships Coordinator or Vice-Dean for Internships at
As is the case for all parties involved in the internships, the external tutor has to abide by the deadlines for the various tutoring tasks and steps which explain the operation of these internships and set out in the “Internship calendar" (see link at the top of this page).
For further information about the role/position of the external tutor for collaborating companies/organisations, please see the Manual del tutor d'empresa [Company tutor instructions manual] published by Catalan universities.
At the end of the internship, and within the dates set out in the "Internship calendar", the company/organisation tutor has to provide an evaluation of the student in the form of a report. S/he sends this via an on-line programme using the log in details previously provided by the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica). The tutor assigns a numerical grade over 10, which represents 65 % of the final mark for the internship. 8 % refers to the attendance and performance related to a series of professional orientation activities carried out during the academic year at the Faculty (half-page summaries assessed by the coordinator of the subject). 2 % refers to the answers to a final report (a short form assessed by the coordinator of the subject). The grade for the remaining 25 % is assigned by the internal tutor– member of the Faculty teaching staff– who assesses the professional folder. This is a portfolio put together by the student during the remaining 100 hours assigned to this subject which comprises: a CV, letter of presentation, a mock invoice for a given commission, a document detailing the various translation and interpreting services and corresponding professional rates they would charge, and some examples of actual tasks carried out at the company/organisation. To facilitate the internal tutor's evaluation, we respectfully request that companies/organisations allow interns to include these samples in their professional folder. These are treated with utmost confidentiality and the only people with access to them are the Internships Coordinator, the Vice-Dean for Internships and the internal tutor, who have strict instructions not to circulate this material.
The East Asian Studies BA internships are not remunerated, neither are they compatible with any other form of work contract between the student and the company/organisation outside the internship agreement explained above. If a company/organisation is more interested in remunerated internships and/or for more than 200 hours, or carry out their own candidate selection process (see point 2), they should contact the Servei d'Ocupabilitat [UAB's Job Placement Service], which is the UAB centre in charge of managing extra-curricular internships for the entire campus.
Aside from curricular and extracurricular internships, any company/organisation can also send job offers directly to the same Servei d’Ocupabilitat [UAB's Job Placement Service]( or to the Vice Dean for Internships and Professional Growth at the FTI (, who will advertise them through their own channels.
All emails concerning internships should be sent to:
If the internship involves working with minors, read the following information which concerns child protection policies in Spain: Informació sobre el requeriment de la certificació del Registre central de delinqüents sexuals per a la realització de pràctiques [Information about the Spanish equivalent to the DBS service in the UK].
Below you will find a section with all of the university regulations governing this course.
You register for the Internship at the same time as the rest of your classes. However, you first need to check that you fulfill the prerequisites as laid out in article 134, point 5 of the UAB ordinances (normativa de permanència de la UAB not applicable to incoming exchange students), which concerns all fourth year subjects, namely having passed:
To work as an intern you must be signed up for an accident and civil responsibility insurance policy, which you take out when you register – see the tab "Informació del pagament" [Payment information], where you are required to select "Assegurança complementària" [Complementary insurance]. For further information about this insurance policy and what to do once you have taken it out in the even of an accident or illness, see Assegurança complementària a la web de la UAB[Complementary insurance on the UAB web].
If you fail to take out this insurance policy when registering, by mistake or oversight, the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica) will add this automatically.
Spanish students going on a study abroad exchange programme have already taken out a study abroad insurance policy when they register, so they are not required to take out additional insurance since this policy also covers accidents and civil responsibility during their internship. The clarification is for Spanish students who wish to do online internships from abroad simultaneously with their study abroad or an internship at the host university during their study abroad.
Incoming exchange students to our Faculty who register for “Internships”, however, are required to take out this complementary insurance even if they have taken out a study abroad insurance policy at their home university.
An information/orientation session is held the first or second week of the academic year for all students either already registered or intending to. During this session the Internships Coordinator explains the steps and procedures by which students are assigned to a company/organisation and the steps students must follow.
This meeting is one of the steps scheduled in the Internship course programme and so attendance is obligatory. The dates, time and room for this meeting are published on this web page in advance. Prior to this meeting, check the "Internship calendar" at the head of this page which sets out all the corresponding steps and deadlines.
As mentioned above, you first have to register and pay the additional insurance. After that, by the deadline given in the "Internship calendar", you can then choose from the internships on offer for the academic year in question from the posts available given in "List of companies and organisations" (see head of this page). You can choose up to 4 internships, which you list in order of preference in the Internship application form, then send this using the same online application.
The Faculty commits to find a place for all the students who have registered for the Internship. Places will be assigned according to the following three criteria:
- the requirements for the position(s) as specified by the company/organisation in the "Internships available form". If the student has not taken these into account, the Internships Coordinator will remove this option from their four choices;
- the student's grade point average. If more than one student lists the same internship offer as their first option, it will be awarded to the one with the highest average; the same process applies to second, third and fourth options;
- the balance between companies/organisations. If a company/organisation offers various places, various students put this as their first option and applying the aforementioned criteria means that nobody is assigned to other companies/organisations chosen by these students in second, third or fourth option, the Internships Coordinator is authorised to make exceptions concerning applying the grade point average in order to distribute the students across the maximum number of companies/organisations possible.
At this stage we ask students not to get in contact directly with any company/organisation. If you have any doubts or questions regarding the tasks, work schedules etc., then send an email to
The places are allocated at the beginning of October and published at the head of this page (“Allocation of internships”) on the date given in the "Internship calendar".
Students may work as interns in a company/organisation which does not appear on the "List of companies and organisations" and which they have contacted directly. In such cases, it is their responsibility to ensure that the company/organisation in question sends an Internships available form to the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica), and the section “Observacions” should read, “Internship found by student ..." including the student's name, surname(s) and ID number. The Internships Coordinator may reject a company/organisation proposed by a student at her/his own discretion, for example, if the tasks required of the student are not linked to East Asian Studies. If accepted, the post is automatically allocated to the student who contacted the company, that is, it is not made available for other students registered for internships.
Students who find their own internship must abide by the same deadlines as all the other students regarding filling out and sending the "Internship application form", but when making the choice they only have to fill out the first option box, giving the name of the company/organisation with whom s/he has arrived at an agreement. After that, mark the box below "Found by student". Please note ;that the "Internships available form" which the company fills out must be received by the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica) before the student sends this application form.
To be legally covered during the internship, students have to sign a document which governs the formal relationship between the company/organisation, the Faculty and the student. A few days after assigning the places, the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica) notifies the student so that s/he can collect the document from their offices – no prior appointment is required.
If the internship is in a company/organisation outside the UAB (external), then the document in question is the following:
This is a three-party agreement: company/organisation, student and the Faculty Dean's Office. All three parties must sign each copy in the left margin on the front page and also on the back page above their name. The Dean's signature must be accompanied by the Faculty stamp on the back page, and the company/organisation signatory must likewise endorse this document, signing and stamping the back page. If the company/organisation does not have an official stamp, then this must be explicitly stated in the "Observacions" section of the "Internships available form".
If the student has been assigned to an organisation/centre/department which is part of the UAB, then the documents which provide legal coverage for the duration of the internship are:
Plec de condicions específiques per a la realització de pràctiques acadèmiques a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [Specific requirements form to work as an intern at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
Resolució per a la realització de práctiques dins l’àmbit de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [Resolution form to work as an intern at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
As regards the first of these two documents, there are three copies; for the latter there are two copies. The first has to be signed by the student and the UAB centre/department where s/he will work as an intern: on the front page in the left hand margin and again above the name on the back page. This document must be endorsed with the centre/department stamp. One copy is for the student, the other for the centre/department and the third copy for the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica). As regards the resolution, this only has to be signed by the Faculty Dean, in duplicate: one copy is for the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica), the other for the UAB centre/department where the student will work as an intern. The Dean's signature must be accompanied by the Faculty stamp.
You cannot contact the company/organisation tutor to arrange an initial appointment until you have the agreement (or the specific requirements / resolution forms in the case of a UAB on-campus internship) – the contact email can be found in the "List of companies and organisations" at the beginning of this web page. You must not contact the company nor arrange an initial meeting, either on your own initiative or at the request of the company/organisation, before this because until you are in possession of this document you are neither legally covered nor insured.
When you collect the agreement (or specific requirements / resolution forms if working on campus) from the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica), it is given to you already signed by the Faculty Dean. You must sign this (except in the case of the resolution) and, during your first visit to the organisation/company or UAB centre/department where you will work as an intern, you must ask the corresponding signatory to endorse and stamp this agreement on behalf of the company/organisation or UAB centre/department. The signatory is the person stated in the "Internships available form", who may be, but not necessarily, your tutor. S/he has to sign and stamp the three copies of this document. The company/organisation keeps one copy, you keep another and the third copy you need to hand in to the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica) within 7 days of the date you collected the documents. You do not need to make a prior appointment for this.
As stipulated in the regulations, you cannot begin the internship until you have returned the copy for the UAB to the Faculty with all the required stamps and signatures.
The work schedule, tasks and place of work for the internships are set out in the Internships available form with precedence given to any university regulations published on this web page. For example, as regards the work schedule, it is important for companies/organisations to allow students to attend other UAB classes they are registered for as well as any corresponding evaluative activities.
Anything which is not set out in the "Internships available form" or in this web page has to be mutually agreed between the company/organisation and the student. In cases of dispute, the Internships Coordinator or the Vice-Dean for Internships will act as arbitrators. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached, the student has the right to request an internship in another company/organisation.
Students cannot work more hours than those which are stipulated in the agreement. If the company/organisation is interested in prolonging the internship beyond the scheduled 200 hours, then they have to draw up a work contract or another extracurricular internship agreement through the Servei d’Ocupabilitat [UAB's Job Placement Service].
Students work under the supervision of the company/organisation tutor (external tutor), who will assign them the specific tasks they have to carry out, give orientation/training for these tasks and provide the student with whatever feedback and observations s/he considers opportune concerning the quality of the results. At the end of the internship this "external tutor" evaluates the student's work via the online report (Final report by the external tutor), which is 65 % of the overall mark for this subject.
The student is likewise supervised by an "internal tutor"–a member of the Faculty teaching staff–, assigned by the Internship Coordinator at the beginning of the year, and who evaluates the professional folder the student is required to draw up at the end of the internship. This evaluation is 25 % of the overall mark. Students on this internship are strongly recommended to contact their internal tutor at the beginning of the year and keep them informed of developments.
During the period of the internship, students should address the external tutor regarding any doubts or requests for counselling on any aspect of the internship tasks, but they can also arrange a meeting with their internal tutor. However, any issues or incidences which may arise with the company/organisation should be addressed directly to the Internship Coordinator or Vice-Dean for Internships. In all cases students must use the email
The "Internships" course is rated at 12 ECTS, i.e. it corresponds to a total of 300 hours of learning / study, of which 200 are spent working for the company/organisation in situ or online. The external tutor assesses the tasks carried out by the student in these 200 hours. This assessment counts for 65 % of the total grade. The remaining 100 hours are set aside for two purposes. First, for scheduled information and professional orientation sessions at the Faculty– the Internships Coordinator will inform students in due time of where and when. Second, these hours also cover autonomous work by the student such as writing up their professional folder and final summary report, which must both be completed at the end of the internship.
As for professional orientation sessions, they are mostly talks and conferences either on cross-cutting topics (how to do the CV or how to do self-candidacy, for example) or on specific topics in the field of the Degree. We try to organize them in the free teaching slot on Wednesday (13:00-14:30), and they are only mandatory when they take place within this time slot. The number of sessions varies each year depending on the availability of speakers. It ranges from four to eight. Each activity date is notified more than one week in advance. During the activity, students must write their name on an attendance sheet. The assessment is carried out by means of a summary-commentary of a minimum of 10 lines that the student must deliver - within one week after the activity - to the coordinator of the subject. Summaries and comments from students who did not write their name on the attendance sheet will not be accepted.
If a student is unable to attend the required professional orientation sessions organized in or by the Faculty, s/he will have to look for alternatives in other Faculties, in the Servei d’Ocupabilitat or outside the University. Each alternative proposal must be approved by the coordinator of the subject. Once the activity has been completed, a certificate of attendance and a summary must be submitted to the coordinator, the latter one according to the instructions provided in the previous paragraph.
The coordinator of the subject will assess the summaries related to professional orientation sessions. This assessment will count for 8 % of the total grade.
The professional folder has to be sent by email to the internal tutor (use her/his UAB email address) within the deadlines set out in the "Internship calendar". If so requested by the internal tutor, the student should hand in a printed copy. The internal tutor assesses the professional folder. This assessment counts for 25 % of the total grade.
The deadline for turning in the final summary report is likewise set out in the “Internship calendar", via an on-line programme. Through multiple choice questions and some text fields, the student is asked for a brief description and assessment of the tasks performed during the internship, the company/organisation where s/he has carried them out and other aspects related to the development of the subject and the skills acquired. The subject coordinator assesses the answers to this form-report with a grade which counts 2 % of the total grade.
In conclusion, the student is expected to accomplish the following:
- 100 hours of work practice in a company/organisation (in situ or online). Assessed by the external tutor via a report (web form). 65 % of the total grade.
- Final summary report (web form) to be submitted once the internship period has finished. Assessed by the subject coordinator. 2 % of the total grade.
- Professional folder to be submitted once the internship period has finished. Assessed by the internal tutor via a repport (web form). 25 % of the total grade.
- Summaries or appraisals of the professional orientation sessions organized by the subject coordinator or the vice dean in Internships and Professional Growth. Assessed by the subject coordinator. 8 % of the total grade.
The East Asian Studies BA internships (Pràctiques Externes) are not remunerated, neither are they compatible with any other form of work contract or agreement between the student and the company/organisation outside the internship agreement given above. If you would prefer a remunerated internship and/or work for more than 200 hours, these are handled by the Servei d’Ocupabilitat [UAB's Job Placement Service], which is the UAB office in charge of managing extra-curricular internships for the entire campus. For further information on the different options for including this internship mode in academic transcripts, see this link: Transferència de crèdits [Credits transfer].
Aside from curricular and extracurricular internships, a third option is
Reconeixement de l’experiència laboral i professional acreditada [Recognition of accredited work and professional experience]. This can be requested by students who have a work contract during the academic year with a company which works in a field related to East Asian Studies. Applications can be processed at any moment during the academic year at the Faculty Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica)–prior appointment is required. If authorised, the student will be awarded the 12 ECTS for the "Internship" course (Pràctiques Externes), although with a generic "PASS" grade. In this case it is not necessary to register for the "Internships" subject (Pràctiques Externes) since applying for this accredited recognition already implies payment of university fees.
All internship-related emails – except sending/filling out the professional folder – must be sent to:
If the internship involves working with minors, please read the following: Informació sobre el requeriment de la certificació del Registre central de delinqüents sexuals per a la realització de pràctiques [Certification from the central Registry, equivalent to the DBS in the UK].
Note. The Faculty has a protocol for taking action should a student find themselves the object of sexual harassment during their internship. This procedure is in addition to the protocol in effect for such cases within the UAB Campus.
Please find below a section explaining all university regulations governing this course.
120 ECTS credits from the BA programme.
All first year classes from the BA programme.
All students registered for this "Internships" course (Pràctiques Externes) are supervised by an internal tutor. The Internships coordinator assigns the tutor, according to her/his criteria, from among the list of academic staff provided by the departments that teach in this Faculty for the academic year in question. This person will, in any event, be a member of the Faculty teaching staff.
The internal tutor essentially evaluates the professional folder, which the student writes up towards the end of her/his internship and then sends to their tutor's UAB email address. The tutor may also ask for a printed copy if s/he so wishes. The professional folder has to be evaluated within the deadlines set out in the "Internship calendar" and via a professional folder evaluation form in electronic format which s/he accesses using their UAB NIU and password. This can be accessed via the following link.
The mark given is 25% of the overall grade. The other 65% falls to the external tutor, who supervises the internship in the company/organisation (see point 4 of Company/Organisation - what do we have to do?). 2 % and 8 % refer to the assessment (by the coordinator of the subject) of the final summary report and the summaries of the professional orientation activities the student will have attended.
Although the professional folder is marked at the end of the year, the internal tutor is advised to contact the student as soon as they have been so assigned by the internship coordinator, and inform the student of days/times they are available for consultation to deal with any doubts or questions which might crop up, such as methodology questions or any other aspects related to internship tasks.
If necessary, the internal tutor can also contact the company/organisation to deal with these aspects. For example, to collaborate with the external tutor regarding appropriate tasks or work volume assigned to the student for the working hours scheduled in the company.
The internal tutor is at no time responsible for the work done by the student at the company/organisation, nor is it her/his responsibility to correct it. Any arbitration in the event of incidences or disputes between the student and the company/organisation, is handled by the Internships Coordinator or the Vice-Dean for Internships and such cases should be reported directly to them.
The Faculty encourages all undergraduate students to pursue internships abroad. Including this kind of work experience on a CV is proving to be increasingly important throughout Europe and allows students to enter the job market more easily. Some internships are possible within the framework of an Erasmus+ Study or UAB Exchange Programme Study grant, providing the host university offers this option. We likewise openly encourage all incoming exchange students to our Faculty to register for this "Internships" subject (Pràctiques Externes) and include it in their learning agreement. All incoming exchange students to our Faculty are guaranteed the same conditions as our own students.
Internships abroad are also possible even if the student is not on a student exchange, or is on a student exchange but the host university does not authorise them to participate in their own internships programme. "Pràctiques Externes" is one of the few degree subjects which can be taken as a distance learning course, therefore there are no impediments to being an intern in a foreign company/organisation. All the student needs to do is contact the company/organisation themselves as set out in the instructions in the section "Student - what do I have to do?" - point 3. However, students wishing to pursue this avenue will have to find a company/organisation for themselves as very few of those we list (see "List of companies and organisations" at the head of this page) have offices / partners abroad.
Another option consists of applying for an “Erasmus+ Internships” or “UAB Exchange Programme Internships” grant, which is handled by the Servei d'Ocupabilitat [UAB's Job Placement Service]. For further information about when these can be applied for, remuneration or other questions related to this grant, see Mobilitat professional internacional [Professional work experience abroad] in the UAB's Job Placement Service web page. Please note that you cannot take advantage of this grant at the same time as a “Erasmus+ Study” or “UAB Exchange Programme Study” grant. You can apply for these the following semester or year, but not at the same time. Equally important is that at the time of applying, students can choose between curricular or extra-curricular internships, and in the case of this faculty if they choose curricular then they will be assimilated in the "Internships" subject (Pràctiques Externes).
If, instead of signing a curricular or extracurricular internships contract, the student signs a contract abroad for work which is remunerated, s/he is eligible to apply for the “Recognition of accredited work and professional experience” – see section "Student - what do I have to do?", point 7.
In order to apply for either the internships resulting from the student her/himself contacting a company/organisation as well as the "Erasmus+ Internships" or "UAB Exchange Programme Internships" grants, it is the students' responsibility to first find a company/organisation where they wish to work as an intern that will accept them. To help students with this our Faculty provides access to the following initiatives:
- ELIA Exchange. We collaborate with ELIA (European Language Industry Association) in the ELIA Exchange project. Students from our Faculty can register for this internship offers' database free of charge and receive offers from the countries and for the language combinations they are interested in.
- EGPS (European Graduate Placement Scheme). We actively participate in this European project providing support for and monitoring students doing internships abroad. Students from our Faculty can register for this internships offers' database free of charge and search for countries and language combination of interest to them. Students can participate in this scheme even if they find a company to do an internship via Elia Exchange.
- EMQEI FTI UAB. The objective of this project is to foster the international dimension of internships for the BA and MA degree programmes in both Translation and Interpreting and East Asian Studies at our Faculty. This project not only encourages students from our Faculty to work as interns abroad, but also incoming exchange students to our Faculty to work as interns in Catalonia. The Faculty encourages students who study abroad on an Erasmus+ or UAB Exchange studies programme to do an internship in companies/organisations in the town/city where they are based. Any students interested in this option should contact their study abroad coordinator, the Internships coordinator of their degree or the Vice Dean for Internships in the Faculty.
- Erasmus Intern.This is a platform developed by the Erasmus Student Network in which you can find companies who are looking for students interested in work experience opportunities. Students can sign up directly.
- FTI-Ocupabilitat. Job offers and information about work experience grants and programmes sent to our Faculty - many of these concern internships abroad.
- Since 2015, students from our Faculty have applied for Erasmus+ Internships or UAB Exchange Programme Internships grants for the following companies or organisations: InPuzzle (France), Sprachschule Aktiv (Germany), Hieroglifs Translations (Latvia), Translit (Ireland), Groupe scolaire Saint Jacques de Compostelle (France), Tripomatic s.r.o. (Czech Republic), Landkreis Osnabrück (Germany), Academy at Shotton Hall (United Kingdom), École Saint Paul (France), Consulado General de España en Düsseldorf (Germany), Consulado General de España en Stuttgart (Germany), Ensemble Scolaire Saint Adrien (France), London Confucius Institute SOAS (United Kingdom), Le Likès (France), Akadémia eñe Bratislava (Slovakia), AML Global Language Services (United States), TIP Trailer Services (Holland), Lengalia (Germany), A.C.T. Fachübersetz ungen GmbH (Germany), Global Voices (United Kingdom), Éditions Édilivre (France), University of the Ryukyus - Japanese Business Internship Program (Japan). Without the abovementioned grants, during their Erasmus+ Study or UAB Exchange Programme Study mobility, or outside programmes, some students have done internships abroad, namely: Instituto Cervantes de Túnez (Tunisia), Schnellübersetzer GmbH (Germany), Hasekura Program (Japan), Waseda University (Japan), Beijing Han-sky Education Technology Co. Ltd. - Great Wall - Chinese Centre (China), Direct Sport Management Ltd. (China), CoffeeWORKS Co. Ltd. (Thailand). Some of these companies or organisations might be interested in accepting other students. In fact, some have stated this.
- Specific educational cooperation agreement for (required) external academic placements in partner organisations
- Plec de condicions específiques per a la realització de pràctiques acadèmiques a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [ Specific requirements form to work as an intern at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
- Resolució per a la realització de práctiques dins l’àmbit de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [Resolution form to work as an intern at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
Company / organisation:
- Internships available form
- Final report by the external tutor (model). Please fill out using this link.
- Internship application form
- Professional folder
- Final summary report (model). Please fill out using this link.
Internal tutor:
- Extra-curricular internships through the Servei d'Ocupabilitat [UAB's Job Placement Service] with the option of Transferència de crèdits [Credits transfer]
- Reconeixement de l'experiència laboral i professional acreditada [Recognition of accredited work and professional experience]
- Normativa de pràctiques acadèmiques externes de la UAB
- Normativa de la UAB aplicable a los estudios universitarios regulados de conformidad con los planes de estudios regulados por el RD 822/2021
RD 592/2014, d'11 de juliol, pel qual es regulen les pràctiques acadèmiques externes -
RD 1845/1994, de 9 de setembre, pel que s'actualitza el Reial Decret 1497/1981 - RD 1497/1981, de 19 de junio, sobre Programas de Cooperación Educativa
- Reglament (UE) 2016/679,de 27 d’abril de 2016, sobre el tractament de dades personals i a la llibre circulació d'aquestes dades
- Requeriment de la certificació del Registre central de delinqüents sexuals per a la realització de pràctiques
Nazir Ahmed Can
Office K/0028 and K/2023
Administrative management of Internships
Registrar's Office (Gestió Acadèmica)
Tel. (+34) 93 581 2535
Please send all emails concerning internships to:
Students will be contacted by email sent from Please note only emails from UAB student email accounts (e.g. will be answered.