The Faculty's internal Quality Assurance System
Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ) of the Faculty of Communication Sciences
(Documentation available only in Catalan)
The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS framework) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona reflects the firm commitment of the university to offer quality training programmes that include measures to assess their continuous evaluation and improvement.
The Internal Quality Assurance System of Faculty has been designed in accordance with the program AUDIT directives and the recommendation of the following quality agencies: AQU (Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency), ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) and ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).
The Internal Quality Assurance System of the Faculty of Communication supports the commitment of the UAB to offer quality studies that guarantee the development of the competences, abilities and aptitudes established in the different training programmes. This leads to the accomplishment of the main objective which is to offer undergraduate and postgraduate scientific training based on the needs and expectations of its users, and of society in general, while facilitating entry into the labour market of its graduates.
On 23 November 2010, the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU) gave our faculty’s Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) a positive evaluation within the framework of its AUDIT programme (certificate).
Institutional Certification
On 23rd June 2021 the Ministerio de Universidades gave the institutional certification of the Faculty of Communication Studies. Previously the implementation of the SGIQ (Internal Quality Assurance System) was certified by AQU Catalunya (The Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency) on 15th Desember 2021.
Faculty Quality Committee (FCC)
This committee is responsible for drawing up, updating, and monitoring the quality policy and objectives of FCC and to ensure its dissemination and implementation.
Composition, functions and competences
Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the Faculty of Communication Manual (.pdf)
Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the Faculty of Communication Process map (.pdf)
Quality Assurance System of the Faculty of Communication Processes
Strategic processes (PE)
PE01: Definition of the quality policy and objectives (.pdf)
PE02: Definition, deployment and monitoring of the IQAS (.pdf)
PE03: Creation and design of new degrees. Degrees map (.pdf)
PE04: Definition of PDI policy (.pdf)
PE05: Definition of PAS policy, training and assessment (.pdf)
Key processes (PC)
PC01: Definition of entry profiles, graduation and access to studies (.pdf)
PC02: Programming of teaching for the subjects. Teaching guides (.pdf)
PC03: Management of intership projects (.pdf)
PC04: Student orientation (.pdf)
PC05: Student assessment (.pdf)
PC06: Management of student, PDI and PAS mobility (.pdf)
PC07: Monitoring, evaluation and improvement of degrees (.pdf)
Teaching quality monitoring programme (PSQD)
PC08: Modification and termination of degrees (.pdf)
PC09: Document management (.pdf)
PC10: Accreditation of official degrees (.pdf)
PC11: Management of end-of-studies projects (.pdf)
Support processes (PS)
PS01: PDI Training: Teaching Innovation (.pdf)
PS02: Services management and material resources (.pdf)
PS03: Academic organization and management (.pdf)
PS04: Management of complaints, suggestions and congratulations (.pdf)
PS05: Satisfaction of interest groups (.pdf)
PS06: Graduate employment (.pdf)
PS07: Public information and accountability (.pdf)
PS08: Evaluation of the teaching activity of the PDI (.pdf)
Review IQAS _FCC
Review report 2017-2018 (approved on 17/01/2020)
Review report 2019-2020 (approved on 15/02/2021)
Review report 2020-2021,2021-2022 (approved on 18/10/2023)