Welcome session for the doctoral students of the UAB PhD program in Sport Sciences
The welcome session for the seven students selected as first promotion of the new PhD programme promoted by the Institut and launched for the 2022-23 academic course was celebrated on 2nd February 2023.
First promotion students will work on projects related to research lines on: sports performance; digital sport; psychological, social and educational development; economy and governance; and sport, health and sustainability.
During the session, students were able to learn on the UAB, the Sports Research Institute and services available on Campus. In addition to obtain general information about the program, the activities that will be offered during their studies or clarifying doubts, they had the opportunity to share their research projects with the rest of the students and faculty members. The session concluded with a visit to the UAB campus.
As part of the session, Dr. Miquel de Moragas Spà gave the conference "Research in sport: a multidisciplinary perspective". Dr. Moragas is a UAB professor emeritus and was the founder and former director of the UAB Olympic and Sports Studies Centre (1988-2009). The conference brought future doctors and research staff closer to how sports sciences allow to generate synergies between knowledge areas and respond to the complex challenges that arise in today's societies.
The UAB PhD program in Sports Sciences is based on two differential values: interdisciplinarity and international orientation and is aimed at students from different academic fields: social and legal sciences, humanities, engineering, health sciences and basic sciences; physical activity and sport is always present in all the studies that are carried out. It has a team of more than 25 experts to supervise doctoral theses from different departments of the UAB and from other Spanish and international universities. The program is promote within the framework of the UAB Sports Research Institute.