The Observatory for Equality is part of the THERACAT European project

The Observatory for Equality participates in the THERACAT European project by IBEC by offering the training on gender equality and gender perspective in research.


The THERACAT Bio-orthogonal catalysis for cancer therapy project, coordinated by the Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) foundation, is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Networks call. It is an international and multidisciplinary consortium hiring and training predoctoral researchers, both in specific research skills related to cancer therapies and in transversal communication, venturing and gender perspective skills. The project, funded by the European Commission, involves 6 academic centres, 3 pharmaceutical companies active in the market and 3 institutions specialised in scientific communication, management and gender equality (Observatory). The project has financing by the European Commission of 3,383,235 euros.
Dr. Maribel Ponferrada Arteaga, specialist in equality at the Observatory and specialist in gender and research, will be responsible for the project's training on gender equality, including both approaching gender inequalities in the academic career and the inclusion of gender perspective in research projects, contributing to an integral training of the participants and to their ability to carry out innovative research from a non-androcentric perspective. 
This programme will allow to carry out multidisciplinary research combining research experience, state-of-the-art facilities and skills from various sectors of the academic and non-academic world. Its goal is to advance in the development of anti-cancer therapies based on catalysis and the production of marketable technologies.