Award giving to the best TFG with gender perspective in the 2022/2023 course year


April 9th at 12.30pm is celebrated the act of giving the awards to the 33 winning bachelor’s degree final projects in the 8th edition of the presentation. This prizes are financed by the Institut Català de Dones


The act of giving the prizes to the best TFG with gender perspective in the 2022/2023 course year will take place on April 9th at 12.30pm in the ceremony hall of the Rector’s office.  

This 8th edition of the prizes awards 33 different TFGS of 12 faculties of the UAB. 

The act will begin with the general secretary, Esther Zapater. Moreover, there will be the executive director of the Institut Català de Domes, Elia Soriano, and the director of the Observatory, Maria Prats. During the awards giving, the winning students will go up the stage to explain a short summary of their TFG.   

¿How can I do a TFG with gender perspective?  

Every year, the Observatory summons the awards to the best TFG with gender perspective of the previous year. The goal is to sensitise students and the teaching staff about gender equality and the non-discrimination, promoting the research with this stare in all disciplines. 

Gender perspective is defined as the critical analysis of the phenomenons that shows up, make visible and confronts gender and LGTBIQ+ inequalities. So, the gender is understood as a social and cultural construction, that organises hierarchically the unequal access to resources. It can be material, cultural, ideological or symbolic resources. Moreover, historically, it has been given more acknowledgment to masculinity. It’s because of that why it is a wide glance that can be applied on all sciences.  

It can be visible and use the knowledge produced by women that are part of our discipline. As an example, the winning TFG in the degree of Maths has taken the contributions of Grace Chrisholm Young. It can also confront gender inequalities, gender roles and power relationships in different fields. This year, one of the winning TFG has explained the impact of institutional violence against women who are in sexist situation ships. Others have focused on the non-hegemonic masculinities or gender stereotypes. Gender perspective at a TFG can be included for making visible the specific experiences of women and LGTBIQ+ people, of different ages, capacities, origins or social classes. An innovative TFG has elaborated a short film of a familiar photo album. You can look up to the premises of the winning TFG of the eight different editions for inspiring you. It is important to make a non-sexist use of language. You can look up other resources that can help you incorporating gender perspective in your research or project, as Gender in Eu-funded research Toolkit and Training, Investigación de ámbito perspectiva de género, Women, gender, and Feminist Theory in Science and Realització d’un TFG àmbit perspectiva de gènere.  

You can participate in the awards as soon as you’ve got an equal qualification or above 8,5. Look up at the bases to know in detail all the requirements. According to the announcements, they are opened in June and opened until the end of September.

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