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Conferència inaugural de Marco Armiero del "XVIII Congrés d'Història de Barcelona. Cap a una història ambiental de la ciutat"
El Dr. Marco Armiero pronuncia la conferència inaugural del "XVIII CONGRÉS D'HISTÒRIA DE BARCELONA. CAP A UNA HISTÒRIA AMBIENTAL DE LA CIUTAT" El congrés té...
New website of the ERC Starting Grant CLIMASAT
The ERC Starting Grant project CLIMASAT, led by Dr. Gemma Cirac-Claveras, has a new website:
New article
Carlos Tabernero (2023) "The Wasteocene on Film", Capitalism Nature Socialism
New Chapter
Special Issue: Estado, saber experto y la configuración del problema alimentario en América Latina (1900-1960), editado por José Daniel Buschini y Stefan...
The SO-CLOSE project creates digital tools to combat the exclusion of refugees
Over the course of three years, the team coordinated by the UAB has co-created open-use digital cultural content that is now available for consultation and...
New Chapter
Special Issue: Science at the Zoo: Producing Knowledge about Exotic Animals, edited by Miquel Carandell & Oliver Hochadel. Centaurus. Journal of the European...
New Chapter
Miquel Carandell Baruzzi (2022). ‘Ugly and smelly or useful insect hunters?’ Perceptions of and attitudes towards bats in the turn of the twentieth-century...
New Chapter
Valentines-Álvarez, Jaume; Sastre-Juan, Jaume (2022), “A Fascist Coney Island? Salazar’s Dictatorship, Popular Culture and Technological Fun (1933-1940)”, in...
New article
Adrián Almazán & Jaume Sastre-Juan; Tal vez no habrá paisaje después de la batalla, [12/05/2022]