Master's Degree
The Master’s Programme in History of Science. Science, History and Society (UAB-UB-UPF) explores the social and historical dimension of science, technology and medicine. Examples of different disciplines and periods are analysed, from the origins of mathematics to molecular biology. The Master’s degree considers relevant questions about the evolution of science: How is scientific knowledge produced? How is it legitimised socially? What relation is there between science and technology, and between the different sciences? The Master’s programme provides students with a perspective on these questions, and prepares them to work in historical research or scientific communication.
For more detailed information about the credits, please visit the Study Plan Master website.
*Coordinator of the Master’s programme
*Master's degree dissertations 2024-2025: July 2 & 3 2025
*Master's degree dissertations 2023-2024
M1 Science in History
M9 MPhil Dissertation
Code: 42735
Credits: 9
Semester: 2
M2 Big Issues in the History of Science
Credits: 15
Semester: 1
M5 Research Methods
Code: 42736
Credits: 9
Semester: 2
M3 Material culture, heritage and communication in science
Code: 42281
Credits: 15
Semester: 1
M4 External Practicum
Code: 42737
Credits: 9
Semester: 2
M6 The origins of modern science
Code: 42284
Credits: 15
Semester: 2
M7 Individual, health and society: Science and biopower
Code: 42285
Credits: 15
Semester: 2
M8 From Frankenstein to Einstein: contemporary science and society
Code: 42286
Credits: 15
Semester: 1