Cooperation and Education for global justice


Master's Degree and Postgraduate programmes

The UAB offers a wide range of Masters degrees and postgraduate courses related to the areas of sustainable development, human rights, international cooperation, culture of peace, interculturality and gender.

Master’s degree in interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability
Master’s degree in Educational Policies for Global Development 
Master’s degree in Special and community Action Policies
Master’s degree in International Relations, Security and Development
Master’s degree in International Health and Cooperation
Master’s degree in Communication of Armed Conflicts, Peace and Social Movements
Master’s degree in inter-Mediterranean Mediation: economic investment and intercultural integration
Master’s degree in Contemporary Migrations
Master’s degree in Gender and Communication
Postgraduate Diploma in Communication, International Cooperation and Sociocultural Mediation in the Mediterranean
Postgraduate Diploma in Communication of Conflicts and Peace
Postgraduate Diploma in Communication of Conflicts and Social Movements
Postgraduate Diploma in Culture of Peace
Postgraduate Diploma in Cooperative Economics
Postgraduate Diploma in immigration: rights and social cohesion
Postgraduate Diploma in Gender and Equality
At this link there is a list of the Master’s degree and Postgraduate diploma courses in Catalan public universities dealing with these subjects.

University specialisation courses 

The UAB also offers university specialisation courses which are themed courses organised by one of the UAB centres and aimed at students from different degree courses. In 2014-2015 the Specialisation Course in Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, was created for students of any degree course to take as optional credits. This course offers tools for analysis to understand the dynamics of structural inequality generated by the prevailing model and approaches alternative paradigms for development, based on the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainability. At the same time it facilitates knowledge of strategies and mechanisms for public participation with a view to potential change.

This is the result of an initiative by the Fundació Autònoma Solidària, academically managed and coordinated by the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, with the additional participation of the faculties of Economics and Business, Education, Philosophy and Humanities, Law and Science.

Academically recognised activities

Below are some of the workshops and seminars offered by the UAB which are academically recognised through ECTS credits, also linked to the areas of cooperation for development, culture of peace, gender, etc. Bachelor’s degree students can obtain up to 6 ECTS credits for participating in these cultural, sporting, institutional and cooperation activities.

Gender, cooperation and armed conflict. Observatory for Equality
Legal responses to gender violence. Observatory for Equality
Budgets from a Gender Perspective. Observatory for Equality