Exam calendar 2024-2025 Academic Year (information in catalan)
EXAMS TIMETABLE - ACADEMIC COURSE 2024-2025 (Catalan version)
Exàmens Parcials (NOU:09/10/2024 102475 anul·lada)
Aulari Exàmens Parcials (NOU: 11-10-2024)
Exàmens Finals (NOU:09/10/2024 102475 anul·lada)
Exàmens Recuperació (NOU:09/10/2024 102475 anul·lada)
Aulari Exàmens Finals i Recuperació (NOU: 21/01/2025 Canvis 102330 Recuperació)
Aulari Exàmens Finals i Recuperació DRET (NOU: 04/12/2024)
Exàmens Finals PUE (NOU: 15/11/2024 AMB AULES)
SEGON SEMESTRE (NOU: 08-07-2024)
Exàmens Parcials (NOU: 13/02/2025 Modificació 102337-60 i 104675-60)
Aulari Exàmens Parcials
Exàmens Finals
Aulari Exàmens Finals i Recuperació
Aulari Exàmens Finals i Recuperació DRET
Exàmens Parcials PUE
Exàmens Finals i Recuperació PUE (NOU: 21/01/2025 Aprovats CADA 16/01/2025)
Exàmens parcials (actualitzat 16/10/2024)
Exàmens parcials amb Aulari (actualitzat 16/10/2024)
Exàmens Finals (actualitzat 22/07/2024)
Exàmens Finals amb Aulari (actualitzat 09/01/2025)
Exàmens de Recuperació (actualitzat 22/07/2024)
Exàmens de Recuperació amb Aulari (actualitzat 25/11/2024)
Exàmens Parcials (actualitzat 09/12/2024)
Aulari d'exàmens parcials (pendent)
Exàmens Finals (actualitzat 09/12/2024)
Exàmens Finals amb Aulari (pendent)
Exàmens de Recuperació (actualitzat 09/12/2024)
Aulari d'exàmens de Recuperació (pendent)
To request the rescheduling of tests / activities scheduled in the official exam calendar published on the website of the Faculty, and which have a weight of 20% (or more) in the final grade of the subject, you must fill out this form and attach the documentation supporting the request. In no case can the rescheduling of tests / activities scheduled in the official exam calendar be requested by contacting the teacher of the subject, or agreeing on any alternative assessment outside the official protocol established by the Faculty. by using this form.
You can only request the rescheduling of one test / activity per application. If more than one test needs to be rescheduled, more than one application must be submitted. (one per test).
Please note that the application is subject to approval by the degree coordinator, depending on:
• the reason for the request,
• of the documents submitted,
• the follow-up of the course, and
• of the student's history in reference to previous applications for rescheduling exams.
The request for rescheduling of tests for situations that have occurred must be made within 5 calendar days immediately following the date of the test. The degree coordinator will have 72 hours to evaluate the application and respond to it.
Regarding the reason for the request, the following will be considered valid:
- serious medical reasons (surgeries, accidents and other serious situations that occur that prevent you from attending the examination on the scheduled date),
- judicial matters (with official summons),
- official affairs (oppositions),
- the death of a third-degree relative.
In all cases, a justifying document must be attached. In the case of a medical justification, the certificate must clearly state that the student is not (or was not) in a position to take an examination on the scheduled date and time. Under no circumstances should explicit information on the nature of the medical cause that motivates the request for rescheduling be included.
Remember that the official exam schedule is published before the enrollment period. Therefore, reasons that the following will not be considered:
- work incompatibilities,
- those arising from participation in mobility programs, except for reasons arising from changes in the evaluation schedule in any of the duly certified institutions (of origin or destination).
- any personal reason (driving test, travel, celebrations and others).
Exceptionally, in the case of a request for rescheduling of partial exams due to the coincidence of two assessments in day and time, rescheduling may be granted within the same day at the time scheduled by another group. In no case may it be rescheduled on a date other than the day published by the corresponding exam, except in cases that for reasons of force majeure are already usually considered.
By filling out this form requesting a rescheduling, the student is aware and accepts the conditions detailed below:
- This application. of reprogramming will not be processed if the information required in the form (email address of the student, degree, code and name of the subject, group, full name of the teacher, etc.) is not provided in full and with total accuracy.
- Once the rescheduling has been approved, and a new date and time has been agreed with the teacher for the test / activity, the student is obliged to take the test. Failure to do so will result in the student not having the right to request any further rescheduling during the same academic year.
- Any falsity in the information or documentation provided will result in the automatic rejection of the request, regardless of the motivation of the same. In addition, the offending student may not request any other rescheduling during his/her period of study at the Faculty, this without prejudice to other disciplinary and/or legal measures deemed appropriate depending on the gravity of the facts.
You will receive an email with the resolution of your request. In case of acceptance, you must contact the teacher to reschedule the test.
Link to exam rescheduling request: