Welcome session for the doctoral students of the UAB PhD program in Sport Sciences
The welcome session for the students (first and second year) at the PhD program in Sport Sciences offered by our Institute was held on 16th January 2024.

This event marks the beginning of an exciting academic year. We are eager to see the contributions and growth of our students in the world of sports and scientific research.
Our PhD program students come from eight different nationalities and work on projects that look at sport from a multidisciplinary perspective in the research lines of: sports performance; digital sport; psychological, social and educational development; economy and governance; and sport, health and sustainability. This interdisciplinary approach prepares our students to be leaders in the field of research and sport.
The activity started with an information session about the program. Coordination team explained key academic-administrative aspects (registration, activities, evaluation, and resources) and the opportunities to be trained as researchers. This was followed by an exchange dynamic between the students (speed-thesis) where each contributed with a unique perspective on sport and science, talking on their thesis’ subjects, objectives, and their perspectives in each other project. The session concluded with a lunch-networking among the attendees.
As part of the session, Dr. Chris Kennett, gave the conference "Theoretical and applied reflections on research in sport". Dr. Kennett is dean of the La Salle International School of Commerce and Digital Economy (FICEDLS), Universidad Ramon Llull, and was the head of research projects at the UAB Olympic and Sports Studies Centre. His lecture motivated future doctors and research staff of the Institute, reaffirming the importance of their work in the intersection of science and sport.
The UAB PhD program in Sports Sciences is based on two differential values: interdisciplinarity and international orientation and is aimed at students from different academic fields: social and legal sciences, humanities, engineering, health sciences and basic sciences; physical activity and sport is always present in all the studies that are carried out. It has a team of more than 25 experts to supervise doctoral theses from different departments of the UAB and from other Spanish and international universities. The program is promote within the framework of the UAB Sports Research Institute.