Doctoral thesis on the Olympic archives by Luís Sánchez
Last October 30, Luís Sanchez defended his doctoral thesis on the records management of the Olympic archives.
The work, titled Olympism and Archives: The Documentary Legacy of the Olympic Games: An Archival Study of Los Angeles 1984, Barcelona '92, and London 2012, was supervised by Dr. Pilar Cid Leal, a member of IRE-UAB. The examination committee was composed of Dr. Remei Perpinya (UAB), Alexandre Lopez Borrull (UOC) and Xavier Pujadas Martí (Blanquerna - URL).
In his research, Luis presents a descriptive study on the management of the documentation generated by the activities of the Olympic Games Organizing Committees, with a comparative analysis of three editions – Los Angeles 1984, Barcelona '92, and London 2012.
The work was considered a significant knowledge contribution on sports archives, particularly Olympic archives, in Spain. It allowed to identify documentation dispersion, image rights, and the preservation of archives generated around the event as key challenges in the management of the documentary heritage produced by a major sporting event like the Olympic Games.
The UAB has an Olympic Studies Centre, created on the occasion of the Barcelona '92 Olympic Games, which preserves part of the documentary heritage generated by the Barcelona'92 Organizing Committee (COOB'92), now integrated into the UAB Communication Library.